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36 Cards in this Set

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Le Loi
Vietnamese military leader who used guerrilla warfare to defeat the Chinese invaders.
Ho Chi Minh
He was a world wanderer, and the man who led the Vietnamese fight for the independence.
The resistence movement that was led by Ho Chi Minh.
domino theory
Theory that stated that if one country fell communism many would soon follow, southeast Asia in this case.
Ngo Dinh Diem
Former govt. official under the french, was going to be the leader of South Vietnam.
Rebel force that were communist Vietnamese.
Robert S. McNamara
Secretary of Defense for President Johnson, said he would increase commitment to South Vietnam to prevent a communist victory.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Gave the president authority to use all necessary force to repel an armed attack against the U.S.
The buildup of U.S. military forces in Vietnam.
Operation Rolling Thunder
President Johnson's bombing campaign against military forces in the North.
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Network of jungle paths used by the North.
chemicals that strip the land of vegetation.
search and destroy missions
Missions by the U.S. forces to drive the Vietcong from their hideouts.
When security forces were not enough they moved the residents to secure locations and then burned the villages.
people who opposed the war in Vietnam.
People who supported the war's goals in Vietnam.
Student for a Democratic Society
One of the groups who led the antiwar movement.
J. William Fulbright
He was a dove, a senator from Arkansas. criticized President Johnson's policies.
Tet Offensive
It was an offensive took by the North, it was a failure and ended with 40,000 of their soldiers dead.
William Westmoreland
The commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, called the Tet offensive as a vietcong defeat.
A senator from Minnesota that challenged Johnson for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Robert F. Kennedy
He was a New York senator, ran for the democratic nomination but was killed before he could be chose.
Richard J. Daley
Mayor of Chicago who cleared out protestors, protesting against the war.
Richard Nixon
The republican candidate for President, won a very close election.
George Wallace
Ran as candidate for the newly formed American Independent Party.
Henry Kissinger
He was Nixon's key foreign-policy adviser. He was a German who fled the country to escape the Nazi.
Plan to turn over the fighting to the South Vietnamese while slowly pulling out U.S. troops.
Le Duc Tho
Longtime revolutionary who lived in North Vietnam. He met with Henry Kissinger.
Kent State Shootings
National guard killed four students who were protesting the war on campus.
Pentagon Papers
Documents that revealed that the govt. had frequently misled the American people about the course of war.
George McGovern
Democratic nominee who opposed the war and ran for the 1972 election.
26th Amendment
Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
Le Ly Hayslip
Was a Vietnam refuge who fled the country to the U.S.
War Powers Act
Reaffirmed Congress's constitutional right to declare war by setting a 60-day limit on the presidential commit of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts.
Maya Ying Lin
A Chinese American who created the design of the Vietnam Memorial.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Made in Washington, D.C. to help heal the wounds of the Vietnam War.