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27 Cards in this Set

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Who were Secretary of State and Treasury, respectively, under Harding?
Charles Hughes; Andrew Mellon
Who were the two 'bad guys' of Harding's cabinet?
Albert B. Fall - Secretary of Interior who was an anticonservationist
Harry Daugherty - Attorney General & big-time crook
What did the newly elected officials want Harding to do?
Guide businesses along the path to profits.
What was the Supreme Court case of Adkins v. Children's Hospital about?
It reversed the decision of the 19th Amendment, which gave women rights in the workplace.
What did the Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920 do?
Congress returned the railroads to private management.
What did the La Follette Seaman's Act of 1915 do?
Made it so that American shipping could not thrive in competition with foreigners
What was the Veteran's Bureau?
An organization that operated hospitals for the disabled.
What was the Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924?
It gave every former soldier a paid-up insurance due in 20 years.
What was the Washington "Disarmament" Conference?
Declared a 10-year hiatus on building new battleships and ordered the 'scrapping' of current ones. Proposed that the ratios of America's, Britain's, and Japans navy ships should be 5:5:3.
What was the Five-Power Naval Treaty of 1922?
Stated that the British and Americans would refrain from fortifying their Far Eastern possessions.
What was the Four-Power Treaty?
Treaty between Britain, France, Japan, and the United States that preserved the status quo in the Pacific
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
AKA Pact of Paris; Act that was passed to satisfy those who wanted to outlaw war; it still allowed wars in self-defense
What was the scandal around Charles Forbes?
Forbes, head of the Veteran's Bureau, was caught stealing $200 million from the government.
What was the Teapot Dome scandal?
Albert Fall convinced the secretary of the navy to hand over priceless oil reserves to the Interior Department; Fall then sold the land to oilmen for a bribe of $100,000
What was the Capper-Volstead Act?
It exempted farmer's marketing cooperatives from anti-trust prosecution.
What was the McNary-Haugen Bill?
Sought to keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the government to buy up surpluses and sell them abroad
During the Coolidge era, what foreign policy continued to reign?
What was the Dawes Plan of 1924?
America payed loans to Germany, who could pay back Britain and France, who would pay back the United States.
What characteristics did Hoover have faith in?
individualism, free enterprise, and small government
What did the Agricultural Marketing Act do?
Set up a board that could lend money to farm organizations
What were the goals of the Grain Stabilization Corporation and the Cotton Stabilization Corporation?
to boost falling prices by buying up surpluses; both eventually failed.
What did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 do?
Raised the tariff to 60% and deepened the depression already hurting the country
What was "Black Tuesday" of October 1929?
Millions of stock were sold in a panic; after 2 months, stockholders lost $40 billion
What was the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
to provide indirect economic relief
Who did the Bonus Expeditionary Force consist of, and what did they want?
WWI veterans; they wanted an immediate payment of their entire bonus
What were 5 of Hoover's actions to stimulate the economy? Except they all failed. All of them.
1. volunteerism
2. Harley-Smoot Tariff
3. Revenue Act of 1932
4. Glass-Stangle Banking Act
5. Reconstruction Finance Coorporation
What are the reasons of the Great Depression starting?
1. Lack of diversification in US economy
2. Maldistribution of purposing power
3. Bank and Credit Structure
4. USA's Position in International Trade