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98 Cards in this Set

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bulk flow over long distances mediated by ______ system


true circulatory system has

pump (heart), vessels (tubes), fluid (blood)

which animals don't need true circulatory system, examples

small and thin (single-celled organisms, placozoans, flatworms)

types of true circulatory systems

open or closed

who has open circulatory systems

insects and other arthropods, mollusks

who has closed circulatory system

segmented worms and vertebrates

which is more simple: open or closed


open circ system has low or high pressure? what kind of pressure is it?

low hydrostatic pressure

describe barrier between blood and cells in open circ system. describe fluid in open circ system.

NO barrier, fluid is hemolymph

closed circ system has low or high pressure?

high pressure

describe barrier between blood and cells in closed circ system

blood contents remain concentrated in vessels

what is found in hemoglobin, what does it do?

iron in hemoglobin carries oxygen

what else does hemoglobin carry and how?

CO2, directly and indirectly

iron to hemoglobin is like _______ to hemocyanin. who has hemocyanin?

copper, horseshoe crabs!

iron to hemoglobin is like copper to _______


blue horseshoe crabs have

hemocyanin (blue blood)

fish have ____ circuit with gills and how many chambers in heart?

single circuit

2 chambers

amphibians and reptiles have ____ circuit with lungs and how many chambers (A/V) in heart?

2 parallel circuits

3 chambers- 2 atria, 1 ventricle

birds and mammals have ____ circuit and how many chambers in heart?

2 completely separate parallel circuits

4 chambers

in mammals, right 2 chambers pump to ______ and left 2 chambers pump to _____

right to lungs, left to rest of body

blood flow in heart starting at right atrium (include valves)

RA, RAV/tricuspid valve, RV, pulmonary valve, lungs, LA, LAV/bicuspid valve, LV, aortic valve, aorta, body

both atria contract together at end of _____


what happens to atria/ventricles during diastole

atria contract

ventricle filling/relaxed

both ventricles contract together during _____


what happens during systole?

ventricles contract

passive filling of ventricles occurs when and how?

during diastole, as ventricle relaxes it sucks in blood from atria

when the atria contract what happens?


help push out a little blood to top off ventricles

AV valves close during systole or diastole?


why do AV valves close during systole?

prevent backflow into atria, builds up pressure in ventricles

during systole, which valves open and to where?

semilunar valves: pulmonary to lungs, aortic to systemic circuit

ventricles eject blood during ______


why do valves slam shut after the ventricles eject blood in systole?

because pressure greater in aorta and pulmonary arteries

specialized cardiac muscle cells form ________ potentials and do what in the heart?


coordinate contraction, initiate heartbeat

each beating of heart starts where? then where?

Sinoatrial (SA) node, atrial fibers, AV node, left and right bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers, ventricles

after Purkinje fibers where does the action potential spread to?


EKGs measure

electrical potentials on the skin

what causes electrical potentials on skin

waves of depolarization in heart m cells

EKGS are NOT picking up ___________

membrane potential

why do EKGs not pick up membrane potential?

there are no electrodes in heart tissue, only on skin

total flow aka _____ what is this?

cardiac output, volume of blood each ventricle pumps per minute

cardiac output aka ______. what is this?

total flow, volume of blood each ventricle pumps per minute

total flow regulated by

autonomic nervous system

true or false. the heart can beat on its own.


heart rate tightly regulated by

autonomic nervous system

two types of efferent pathways

sympathetic and parasympathetic

vagus nerve: sympathetic or parasympathetic?


vagus nerve innervates

SA node and AV node

sympathetic or parasympathetic nn to ventricles?


both sympathetic and parasympathetic nn to ___________

SA node and AV node

what is stroke volume

how strongly the muscle contracts

controls how much volume ejected out of heart per beat

blood leaving the heart passes through

arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, back to heart

what is important to regulating flow and heart disease?

pressure exerted by blood in vessels

blood pressure = _______ x ________

resistance x flow rate (cardiac output)

*remember cardiac output = HR x stroke volume

high resistance generates what in terms of pressure differentials?

large pressure differentials

vasodilation does what to flow

increase flow

vasoconstriction does what to flow

decreases flow

flow rate is constant or changes along whole path of closed circuit?


small molecules exchanged between ___ and ___

capillaries and tissues

veins do what

volume reservoirs, pathway back to heart

veins have ___


which has thicker walls aa or vv

aa thicker than vv

where is actual site of gas exchange with surrounding tissue?


blood flow _____ when ____ node is stimulated by sympathetic nervous system?

increases when SA node stimulated

______ increases rate of depolarization of heart m cells


norepinephrine does what in heart m cells

increases rate of depolarization, increases HR of pacemakers

SA node is a _______ located where?

pacemaker in right atrium

if total cross sectional area of all capillaries reduced, what would happen to blood velocity and diffusion?

both would decrease

which vessels serve as blood-volume reservoirs? why?

veins, can stretch and store blood

true or false. open circulatory system does not have any vessels.

FALSE. has arteries that move blood into spaces within tissue

true or false. open circulatory system has vessels.

true, aa move blood into spaces within tissues

in circ system of fish, heart receives what kind of blood from where?

deoxygenated blood from systemic tissues

describe single cycle of heartbeat

first 2 atria beat, then 2 ventricles beat

right ventricle pumps blood through ______ circuit, left ventricle through ______ circuit

right- pulmonary, left- systemic

following low-oxygen blood that returned to heart, what is order of valves?

right AV, pulmonary, left AV, aortic

when is aortic pressure highest: diastole or systole?


what is diastole in healthy resting human heart?

about 80 mmHg

______ circulatory system would be in a frog but not a fruit fly


circulatory systems transport what else?


which animal would have mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood? which would not?

turtle would, mouse would not

if many arterioles suddenly dilate, what happens to total peripheral resistance and mean arterial pressure?

both decrease

why have hearts of some vertebrates evolved to have 4 chambers, when ancestral fish only had 2?

4 chambers likely evolved to keep oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing

what would happen if diameter of single arteriole leading a capillary dilates and doubles in size?

blood flow through arteriole would increase 16 times!!!!!

P wave of EKG corresponds to

atrial depolarization

R wave of EKG corresponds to

ventricle depolarization

T wave of EKG corresponds to

ventricle REpolarization

blood pressure higher in vein or artery? why?

higher in arteries because blood passing through the veins has already been through the capillary beds

aortic valve where? pulmonary valve where?

aortic- where aorta leaves left ventricle

pulmonary- where pulmonary artery leaves right ventricle

lungs always return blood into the _________

left atrium

small delay of signal during heartbeat occurs when? why?

at AV node, because it allows ventricles to fill with blood and AV valves to close before ventricles contract

where is AV node?

base of right atria

explain heartbeat electrical signal direction

SA node (tip of RA) to AV node (base of RA) to apex back up through ventricles

cardiac output = ______ x ______

heart rate x stroke volume

resistance proportional to inverse of ______ power of _____

4th power of radius

blood flow indirectly proportional to _______, therefore directly proportional to _____ power of ______

resistance, proportional to 4th power of radius

blood vessel 2x diameter of another blood vessel has _______x the resistance and _____x the blood flow

1/16thx resistance, 16x the blood flow

which vessel has highest resistance?


as cross sectional area increases, blood flows _______ why?

slower, increased resistance to flow

blood flow is slowest in which vessels? why?

capillary beds, largest cross sectional area