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43 Cards in this Set

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Betty Friedan
An author who caused a spark in the women's movement
Equal Pay Act
Made it illegal for employers to pay female workers less than male workers for the same job
National Organization for Women (NOW)
A women's rights group that tried to influence elected officials to ensure social and economic equality for women
Gloria Steinem
A journalist who was one of the women inspired to activism
National Women's Political Caucus
A group founded to encourage women to run for political office
Education Amendments Act
Outlawed sexual discrimination in higher education
Phyllis Schlafly
A conservative critic that was pleased when the ERA failed to win ratification
Bella Abzug
A representative from New York in Congress who became an outspoken supporter of women's issues in Congress
Shirley Chisholm
A representative from New York in Congress that was the first African American women elected to Congress and became the first African American woman to run for president
Cesar Chaves
Leader of the NFWA
Dolores Huerta
A CSO workers who helped form the NFWA
La Huelga
Delano grape strike
United Farm Workers (UFW)
NFWA merged with another union; inspired many to fight discrimination
Reies Lopez Tijerina
Led the Alianza Federal de Mercedes
Alianza Federal de Mercedes
Worked to regain land that had been taken from Mexican Americans over the years
Brown Berets
An activist group formed in response to police brutality against Mexican Americans in LA
Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales
Became one of the leading figures in the Chicano movement
Crusade for Justice
A group that promoted Mexican American nationalism
Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO)
A group formed by a group of students in San Antonio that took radical positions on issues affecting Mexican Americans
Jose Angel Gutierrez
One of MAYOs founders that had been inspired by a farmworkers protest march
La Raza Unida Party
A Chicano political party formed by Gutierrez
American Indian Movement
Became a major force behind he Red Power movement
Russell Means
A Sioux born in South Dakota who became a prominent figure in AIM
Ed Roberts
A young Californian who had become a quadriplegic after having polio who joined the disabled
Rehabilitation Act
Forbade discrimination in jobs, education, or housing because of physical disabilities
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Required public schools to provide education for children with physical or mental disabilities
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
An organization dedicated to lobbying for the needs of older citizens
Gray Panthers
Fought for greater rights for older Americans
Maggie Kuhn
Founded the Gray Panthers
Older Americans Act
Committed the government to providing elderly Americans with adequate income and medical care
Committed the government to providing elderly Americans with adequate income and medical care
Became the leading children's rights organization
Marian Wright Edelman
Director of the Children's Defense Fund
Generation Gap
A gap between the baby boomers and their elders that grew wider
Mario Savio
A student activist that helped organize protests
An alternative lifestyle
Timothy Leary
Became LSD's leading supporter
Pop Art
A new style of art that was intended to appeal to popular tastes
British invasion
The introduction of new British bands to an American audience
Joan Baez
A folk artist that wrote lyrics that sent a political message to listeners
Bob Dylan
A folk artists who wrote lyrics that sent a political message to listeners
James Brown
The most dynamic artist of the era who performed rhythm-and-blues music
Aretha Franklin
Known as the queen of Soul
The celebration of an era and marked the high point of the counterculture movement