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25 Cards in this Set

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Cesar Chavez

a Mexican-American farm worker, was trying to organize a union for California’s mostly Spanish-speaking farm workers.


or temporary laborers, during the 1940s and 1950s.


Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.

Dolores Huerta

established the National Farm Workers Association.

United Farm Workers Organizing Committee

a labor union formed in 1966 to seek higher wages and better working conditions for Mexican-American farm workers in California.

Edward Roybal

, the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) helped elect Los Angeles politician to the House of Representatives.

Joseph Montoya

one Hispanic senator was elected of New Mexico.

Jose Angel Gutierrez

sought to create an independent Latino political movement.

La Raza Unida

Latino political organization founded in 1970 by José Angel Gutiérrez.

Reies Tijerina

founded the Alianza Federal de Mercedes (Federal Alliance of Land Grants) to help reclaim U. S. land taken from Mexican landholders in the 19th century.

American Indian Movement

a frequently militant organization that was formed in 1968 to work for Native American Rights.

Russell Means

organized the “Trail of Broken Treaties”march in Washington, D. C., to protest the U. S. government’s treaty violations throughout history.

Betty Friedan

had a loving husband, healthy children, and a house in the suburbs.the experts doctors, psychologists, and women’s magazines that was all a woman needed to be fulfilled.


the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men.

The Feminine Mystique

which captured the very discontent that many women were feeling, quickly became a best-seller and helped to galvanize women across the country.

National Organization for Women

an organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminist goals, such as better childcare facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination.

Gloria Steinem

a journalist, political activist, and ardent supporter of the women’s liberation movement, made her voice heard on the subjects of feminism and equality.

Roe v. Wade

that women do have the right to choose an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.

Equal Rights Amendment

a proposed and failed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have prohibited any government discrimination on the basis of sex.

Phyllis Schlafly

along with conservative religious groups, political organizations, and many anti-feminists, felt that the ERA would lead to “a parade of horribles,”such as the drafting of women, the end of laws protecting homemakers, the end of a husband’s responsibility to provide for his family, and same-sex marriages.


the culture of the young people who rejected mainstream American society in the 1960s, seeking to create an alternative society based on peace, love, and individual freedom.


a San Francisco district that became the “capital” of the hippie counterculture during the 1960s.

Andy Warhol

Pop artists, led by, attempted to bring art into the mainstream. Pop art was characterized by bright, simple, commercial-looking images often depicting everyday life.

The Beatles

a British band that had an enormous influence on popular music in the 1960s.


a free music festival that attracted more than 400,000 young people to a farm in upstate New York in August 1969.