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21 Cards in this Set

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what is done as a surgery for nasal fracture
closed reduction
when should closed reduction be done
within 24 hours of the fracture or it is not as effective
Rhinoplasty is
surgical repair of the nose
after rhinoplasty what should pt do
- keep HOB elevated
- no straining
- swelling and bruising is normal for several days after surgery
- moderate bleeding is normal
- do not take ASA or motrin
-take stool softener
- do not blow or sneeze through your nose for 7 - 10 days
sleep apnea is
breathing that stops or gets very shallow during sleep
- pause can last 10 - 20 seconds
what is the most common type of sleep apnea
obstructive - insufficient airflow
what are common characteristics
excessive daytime sleep, loud snoring, snort or gasp that arouses pts from sleep
diagnostic procedure for sleep apnea is
PSG - it records brain activate, eye movement, muscle activity breathing, and heart rate, how much air moves in and out of lungs, percentage of oxygen
in blood
vocal cord paralysis is
inability of one or more of the vocal cords to move
characteristics of vocal cord paralysis are
hoarsness, breathy weak voice, and aspiration of food
what is one procedure done for vocal cord paralysis
injecting polytef (teflon) into the affected cord so it enlarges toward the unaffected cord
pt teaching to help minimize aspiration is
- hold breath during swallowing to allow the larynx to rise, close, and push food back into the esophagus
-tuck the chin down and tilt the forehead forward during swallowing
enlarged, fibrous tissues caused by infectious processes or overuse of the voice
polyps are
edematous masses that occur most often in smokers and people with allergies
treatment for polyps and nodules
- not speaking
- not whispering
- avoid heavy lifting
- stool softners
-humidifying the air
after surgery for polyps how long should the pt remain on voice rest
14 days
head and neck cancers are usually
squamous cell and are slow growing
lesions may be
leukoplakia ( white, patchy lesions) or erythorplakia ( red, velvety patches)
what is the earliest form of laryngeal cancer
vocal cord lesions
ct helps evaluate the tumors
exact location
MRI helps to differentiate
normal from diseased tissue