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24 Cards in this Set

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James Watts and his Steam Engine
-James Watt invented the steam engine in 1765. It was the most crucial tech. breakthrough of early ind. era
-especially prominent in the textile industry

-sign:grtr productivity for manuf. and cheaper prices for consumers
Factory System
-replaced the putting-out system and the protoindustrial factories
-each worker performed a specific task
-new social classes; low wages; long working hours; strict and immediate suprvision

-sign:production of manuf. goods at a much faster pace and more profitable
-organized bands of English handicraft workers
-went on rampage and destroyed machines because of their anger towards low wages and unemployment

-sign:began the protest against the machines and the methods of work in order to ensure their own safety
Adam Smith
-wrote the "Wealth Of Nations" to describe the new system of manuf. in which a worker is assigned a specific task to perform
Eli Whitney
-an American inventor who is best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin(1793)
-developed the tech. of using machine tools to produce lrg quantities of interchangeable parts in firearms

-sign:entrepreneurs applied Whitney's method to the manuf. of everything
-private businesses owned by 100's, 1000's of indiv. = institutional investors who financed the business through the purchas of stocksthat rep. shares
-quickly became the most common form of business org. in ind. societies
-when ccorp. flourished, investors got $
-when corp. went bankrupt, laws protected investors
Thomas Malthus
-(1766-1834) an English economist and pioneer of modern population study
-wrote "Essay on the Principle of Population" which said that we were going to use up all resources and die

-sign:spawned a birth control mvmnt that within a relatively short time championed more practical methods of conttraception
Crystal Palace
-magnificent structure made of iron = glass that enclosed trees, gardens, fountains, and manuf. products

-sign:served as a sort of exhibition to ponder upn the tech adv. made during the ind. era
The demographic transition
-fertility rates and mortality rates declined
-lower popl. growth + relative demographic stability
-declining fertility due to voluntary birth control
Monopolies, trusts, cartels
-one:business firms formed assoc. to restrict markets or estab. monop.
-two:lrg scale business org. formed trusts + cartels
-cartel:ensure prosperity of members by absorbing corp, fixing prices, reg. production, or dividing markets

-sign:common goal:to control supply of products and its price in the market
Utopian socialist
-worked to estab. ideal communities that would pt. the way to an equitable society
-Charles Fouries(love) and Robert Owen(New Lenarck transformer)
-soon folded because it didnt make much profit
The Communist Manifesto
-claimed excess of capitalism would lead to communist rev.
-"dictatorship of the proletariat" would destroy capitalism
-socialism would follow; fair, just + egalitarian society
-reformed commercial law to protect infant corp.
-prom. nautical + engineering schools
-encouraged foreign investors
-"wealthy cliques" or huge ind. emp.
-gov. owned businesses then sold them to private entrepreneurs who often built zaibatsu
-sim. to trusts and cartels
Henry Ford
-introduced assembly line to the automobile production; conveyor system
Bessemer Converter
-Henry Bessemer built a refined blast furnace to produce steel cheaply and in large quatities
Bourgeoisie + Proletariat
owned ind. machinery and factories; controlled everything; employed the proletariats
-proletariat: wageworkers with only their labor to sell
-purified form of coal
-after 1709 British smelters began using coke rather than charcoal as a fuel to produce iron which was much more expensive
Trade Union
-sought to adv. quest for just + equitable society
-eliminate abuses, improve workers lives by higher wages + better working conditions

-sign:forced emplyers to be more responsive to workers needs
Russia and Japan
-ind. was supported by gov. authorities in a way to not "fall behind" the rest of the world
Mass Production
-cotton was major factory made product
-factories could mass produce standardized articles
-Eli Whitney + Henry Ford contributed greatly
Urbanization ((Urban Environment)
-ind. and popl. growth encouraged urb.
-urb=intensified env. pollution
-diseases, low satanity
-income dtermined degree of comfort
Transcontinental Migration
-rapid popl. growth in Euro=massive migr. to Americas (U.S.) approx. 50 mil
-migr. reflected diff. political, social, + economic circum. in Euro
Marx & Engles
-most prom. of 19th c. socialists; German theorists
-scorned Utopian socialist

-sign:persuaded gov. authorities to attack abuses of ind. + provide sec. of workers