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61 Cards in this Set

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to tidy/clean up the room
barrer(el piso)
to sweep(the floor)
to cook
carter el césped
to mow the lawn (cut the grass)
doblar la ropa
to fold clothes
hacer la cama
to make the bed
lavar los platos
to wash the dishes
lavar la ropa
to wash clothes
limpiar (la casa)
to clean the house
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
planchar (la ropa)
to iron (the clothes)
poner la mesa
to set the table
quitar la mesa
to clear the table
sacar(la basura)
to take out (the trash/garbage)
sacudir(los muebles)
to dust (the furniture)
secar (la ropa)
to dry (the clothes)
tender (la ropa)
to hang (the clothes)
trabajar en el jardin
to work in the garden/yard
trapear (el piso)
to map (the floor)
la aspiradora
vacuum cleaner
la estufa
the stove
el horno
el (horno de) microondas
microwave oven
la lavadora
washer/washing machine
el lavaplatos
la licuadora
la secadora
tener anos
to be…. years old
tener (mucho) calor
to be very hot
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener éxito
to be successful
tener frìo
to be cold
tener ganas de
to feel like (doing something)
tener miedo (de)
to be afraid (of)
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener que
to have to (do something)
tener razón
to be right/wrong
tener (mucha) sed
to be (very) thirsty
tener sueno
to be sleepy
tener (mucja) suerte
to be (very) lucky
hacer ejerico
to excersize
hacer yoga
to do yoga
to go
al cine
the movie
a la inglesia
to church
a la mezquita
to the mosque
a la sinagoga
to the synagogue
to play
al billar
to play pool
a las cartas
to play cards
a los videojuegos
to play video games
levantar pesas
to lift weights
pasarlo bien/mal
to have a good/bad time
to have
un café
a cup of coffee
una copa
a glass of wine
tomar una siesta
take a nap
tomar una sauna
to spend time in a sauna
to watch
un DVD
una pelìcula
a movie