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39 Cards in this Set

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Leif Eriksson was a
Norse - or a Northern European from todays Sweden, Norway, And Denmark
Leif Eriksson lives in
Leif Eriksson first visited
Vinland - "Land of Wine" - "Lush grasses so sweet with dew" - "Streams filled with Salmon" - " Vines of Juicy Grapes"
Leif Eriksson went to Eastern - North America and fought with _____ for _______ years and then left _______ to never return .
*Native Americans* - *5* - *Vinland*
A Norse Legend
The Fall of the Roman Empire in 476 marks the beginning of the _____
Middle Ages
The Power of kings and queens who headed the kingdoms
large owners in their kingdoms are
lands ruled by lords are
moats are
the lord protected the people on the manors if they did services for him, this was called the _______ system
In Europe a disease between 1347-1352 called
The Black Death - it killed 1/4 of its people.
After the disease , the ____________ came out
Middle Class
Between 1096 and 1270 Christians from Europe fought a series of wars called
The Crusade
During the First Crusade the Christians captured the city of
Born in Italy , took three and a half years crossed over 7,000 miles of Central Asia with his father and uncle is
Marco Polo
A sparked period of interest in learning and knowledge is
Artists in the Renaissance that created beautiful paintings and drawings are
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci
Writers made great poems and plays in the Renaissance is
William Shakespeare
the head of Portugal was
Prince Henry
Prince Henry's Goals were 1. To find a route around ______ to _______. and 2. Find a source of gold that came from lands south in _______
*Africa* - *Asia* - *Africa*
The science of piloting ships is
Portuguese designed a sturdy ship for Prince Henry is a
Prince Henry is also called
Prince Henry the Navigator
Portugal lead the rest of Europe into the
Age of Exploration - [ which happened during the 14 and 1500's
Prince Henry died in ______, where explorers found out that Africa wasn't a _____ like they thought.
*1460* - *small peninsula*
West Africans traded with Muslims from North Africa in a journey across the
from 700 and 1050 in West Africa was the empire called
Ghana - ~were most traders here were Muslim~
Ghana's capital is
Islamic houses of worship are
After Ghana was the empire of
Mali - in 1200's
The Mali trading center and leader of Islamic culture is
The most powerful of Mali kings was
Mansa Musa
1500 the new empire of _____ began
Songhai ~rich in trade in gold and ivory~
Songhai was bigger than Mali and Ghana and covered most part of
West Africa
There was three specific places the Portuguese named and they were
Ivory, Gold, and Slave Coast.
A person who has no freedom and is forced to serve someone else is an
enslaved person
A sailor who sailed past the "Cape Of Good Hope" and into the India ocean in 1488 is
Bartholomeu Dias
This person went past "Cape of Good Hope" and even traveled to India! in 1497-1498
Vasco da Gama