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69 Cards in this Set

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What language are English, Sanskrit, Persian, and Spanish all derived from?


Who established the social class system the came to be known as the caste system in India

The Portuguese

What is the original meaning of varnas, the name given the different group of the original caste system

Skin color

What was the purpose of the Upanishads

Teacher-Student dialogue to active liberation from desires and suffering

How did Buddhism spread across Asia

It spread by trade and monks who travel

In Buddhism, what is the release from selfishness and pain known as


What are the common beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism

Many sacred text





Hinduism and Buddhism differ significantly in what beliefs

8 fold path


What is monotheism

The belief in one God

In the Hebrew tradition, what is a covenant

a mutual promise between God and his people

What are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible known as


According to the Torah, what was the first covenant between God and the Hebrew people

The 10 commandments

What were Moses' accomplishments, according to the Torah

Freeing the Jews in Eygpt

Why were the 10 Commandments important

They serve as the basic rules to live by

What is the emphasis on right conduct and the worship of on God called

Why did the Hebrews believe that God protected them

They were the chosen people

What were the accomplishments of Israel's King Solomon

He built the temple and the kingdom

Why did Israel and Judah pay a tribute to the Assyrians

The weaker power pays the stronger power

Who inspired Asoka to convert to Buddhism

He felt sorrow for slaughtering all of those people

What did Asoka's edicts proclaim

Religious Tolerance

What new belief helped Buddhism become popular with the masses

They could become a Buddah

What was the difference between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism

Mahayana were more accessible to the masses

What do the Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva represent

Brahma: Creator

Vishnu: Preserver

Shiva: Destroyer

How did Indian traders affect Southeast Asia

They spread Indian style of art, agriculture, dance, and religion

What scientific concept did Idian astonomers prove long before Europeans did

The Earth is round

How did Indian Astronomers prove the earth was round

Hod did Empress Lu maintain her power

She named 1 infant emperor and then another

What did Wudi do to improve his system of bureaucracy

He established schools for job applicants

Why did Confucian scholars consider agriculture the most important occupation during the Han Dynasty

They believed it kept the earth and the heavens balanced

How did Confucian teachings define women's roles

Woman should be restricted to domestic and family

What do Muslims believe about Muhammad

Muhammad was the last and the greatest prophet

What does Islam mean in Arabic

Submission to the will of Allah

Why was the Hijah important

Muhammad was accepted as a political leader in Meelines

What are the Five Pillars of Islam






How do the Five Pillars help Muslims submit to Allah's will

They help focus on Allah and the poor

Toward what city do Muslims pray


What did the rightly guided caliphs have in common

They all knew Muhammad personally

Who replaced the last of the rightly guided caliphs


What led to internal conflict in Islam after the death of Muhammad

Did not name successor or how to choose

What was the main difference between the Sunni and Shi'a branches of Islam

The Shi'a believe that the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad

What division of Islam believes that only a relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a caliph


What did the Sufis do

Lived a life of poverty and devotion

What was the capital of the Abbasids Empire


How did the Abbasids control their large empire

Through a strong Bureaucracy

What was the Fatimid capital


Who did Muslims consider the People Of The Book


How were conquered peoples treated by the Muslim Empire

Unless converted they were imposed to taxes and restrictions

The Protected People or the Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians, were members of which class in the Muslim society


How did Muslim scholars help preserve European culture

By translating the works of Aristotle and Plato

What was the name of the center of learning under Abbasid rule

House of Wisdom

Why was Baghdad's House of Wisdom significant

People translated scientific and philosophical text into Arabic

What encouraged Muslim leaders to support places of learning such as the House of Wisdom

Muhammad's emphasis on study and scholarship

In what form of art can the greatest cultural blending of the Muslim world be seen


Calligraphy is a type of what


What contributed to calligraphy's popularity

Muslim law prohibiting the drawing of human beings

What was the preferred method of Muslim scientists

Experiment in laboratory setting

Why did the Muslims way of praying lead to the advances in astronomy

Muslims wanted to know the precise way to Mecca

Al-Khwarizmi was a scholar whose work with al-jabr contributed greatly to which field


The academic subject developed by al-Khwarizmi and originally called al-jabr is known by what name today


What system of law regulated the family life, moral conduct, and the business and community life of Muslims


The Qur'an and what other work from the shari'a, or body of Islamic law


What does it mean if African socieety is Matrilineal

Ancesory traced through the mothers family

How did Islam spread throughout Africa

It spread through conquest and trade

What event that had the greatest effect on the growth of Islam in East Africa

The increase of trade and commerce

How were the Almohads and the Almoravids different

How did the rulers of Ghana grow rich

By taxing the good traders carried through their territory

Who was Mali's first great leader


What people broke away from Mali's empire and gained control of the all-important trade routes

The Songhai

What city controlled trade routes and was the economic, political, and religious center of an empire

Great Zimbabwe