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66 Cards in this Set

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Who expressed interest in Alpha Phi Alpha but did not have a chapter at their school?

When were they voted on?

Syracuse University

They were first declined on April 9th 1907

What was decided on November 15th 1907?

Which University was mentioned?

It was decided that chapters should be granted to bodies of their distinct approval.

Howard University was mentioned.

When was the revised constitution accepted?

December 14th 1907.

What did Article V, Section 1 state?

“Any male student of Cornell or other college or university whose application files by one of the members shall have received approval of all members of the chapter to which it was submitted and who shall have undergone the prescribed initiation is an active member.”

What did Article X, Section 1 state?

Article X, Section 2?

Section 1: “All chapters shall consist of at least six members”

Section 2: “All chapters shall be made by Alpha chapter”

What happened on December 7th 1907?

EK Jones(3) was designated as the Official Representative to make Beta Chapter at Howard. NA Murray(5) was his assistant.

When was Beta chartered?

How many men crossed?

Who was named temporary chairman, toastmaster, and first President of Beta chapter?

December 20th 1907.

17 men crossed.

C. Edmund Smith.

Who were the Beta initiates?

Welford R. Wilson, C. Edmund Smith, A. Payton Cook, John A. McMurray, George A. Lyle,

Carl A. Young, J. Oliver Morrison, Moses A. Morrison, James R. Chase, Corneluis S. Cowan,

J. Russel Hunt, WIlliam D. Giles, Robert E. Giles, Daniel W. Bowels, Morris S. Walton, Junius W. Jones, and James E. Hayes

Who delivered brief addresses at Beta initiation?

Moses A. Morrison
D.W. Bowles
C.S. Cowan
W. R. Wilson
George A. Lyle

What did EK Jones(3) speak about?

Ideals and Purposes of the Fraternity.

What took place on December 30th 1907?

EK Jones(3) was the Official Representative at Gamma Chapter located at Virginia Union University, his Alma Mater.

Who were the Gamma initiates?

S.S. Booker,
F.D. Bluford
C.A. Cleveland

Beal Elliot

R.P. Graves

J.M. Lewis

C.M. Rowlette.

What happened at the January 18th 1908 meeting?

An itemized account of expenses from the charters were ready. Alpha chapter received letters from Beta and Gamma and decided to correspond back to them.

EK Jones(3) donated $15 to the chapter.

What was the Address, Date and Signature on the letter to Beta and Gamma?

213 South Plain St.
Ithaca, NY
January 12th 1908

Signed "Fraternally yours," by RH Ogle(6).

What was rumored during March of 1908?

What came of this rumor?

That Beta chapter had been dissolved.

In April it was learned that the rumor was false. Howard President Wilbur B. Thirfield had only sanctioned the Beta chapter.

When was Beta's first "Tap Day"? How many men were brought in?

November 13th 1908 beginning at 3pm. 14 men were brought in bring the chapter to 35.

Alpha chapter did not like Tap Day.

What are Howard's colors?

Blue and White.

What happened with Alpha Chapter during April of 1908?

During April of 1908, the first men outside of Ithaca were let into Alpha Chapter. These were three Syracuse men.

There were not enough Negro students at Syracuse to warrant a separate chapter.

Who were the three Syracuse men?

Daniel W. Edmonds
Clarence Janifer
Frank F. Thompson

When was the first honorary member inducted? Who was he?

When was the second honorary member inducted? Who was he?

April 26th 1907; Mr. George Fletcher of UMichigan Law School

February 29th 1908; Rev. E.U.A. Brooks of Cornell Law. He was in charge of an Auburn, NY Church.

What was voted on May 15th 1909?

The members voted not to admit anymore honorary members in the chapters "present stage of development."

What was reported on April 11th 1908?

EK Jones(3) gave a report concerning the creation of a Delta chapter at University of Toronto.

Who were the Delta initiates remaining?

Prince Robert Mahlangen of 104 University Place, he was last known to be in South Africa.

Mr. Keath S.B. Simon of 67 Alexander St.

Where was it discussed to establish a chapter in Autumn of 1908?


What authority was given on October 17th 1908?

R.C. Giles was given authority to open Correspondence at Amherst. It ultimately let to nothing.

What was discussed on October 24th 1908?

The banquet and admission of initiates:

James Lawrence Brown, Joseph Russell Fugett, Roscoe William Ross, and Joseph Lincoln Shelton.

Who was on the 3rd Banquet Committee?

Lemuel Graves and James P. Boags

When was the 3rd Banquet held and what was its new nickname?

It was held on October 31st.

The banquet was nicknamed the "Initiatory Feed of Alpha Phi Alpha."

Who was Toast Master?

Lemuel Graves

Who spoke on "Alpha Phi Alpha?"

HA Callis(1)

Who spoke on "Welcome, Freshmen?"

George Holmes Jones

Who spoke on "Benefits?"

RC. Giles

Who spoke on "What are we Freshmen here for?"

James L. Brown

Where had the fraternity been meeting from 1905 - 1908?

The rooms of members and the Young Colored Men's Club (also called the Napoleon Jackson Club).

The club was described as a barbershop and pool room.

What was appointed on October 10th 1908?

Brother Lemuel Graves was appointed to investigate getting a fixed place to hold meetings.

What did Graves report on October 24th 1908?

That Mrs. Singleton's residence could be secured for meetings.

It group considered it inadequate due to privacy concerns.

What was planned during Autumn of 1908?

The first General Convention.

Who was elected President and Secretary of Alpha Chapter?

HA Callis(1), President.

Frank V. Plummer, Secretary.

Who was on the committee of the general constitution?

RC Giles, Lemuel Graves, and James L. Brown

What was motioned on October 24th regarding the convention?

If no word was heard from the chapters by the next meeting, then Alpha would name the place and date of the General Convention.

What was the motion on November 9th 1908

It was motioned that the convention be held in Washington D.C. because it was the most convenient for all chapters.

What were the dates of the convention?

December 28th-30th 1908.

Who were the registered letters confirming delegates sent to?

Benjamin Curley, Secretary of Beta chapter?

Brother T. Arnold Hill, President of Gamma chapter.

The General Delta chapter.

Who were the nominees for Alpha chapter delegates?

RH Ogle(6)
Lemuel Graves
RC. Giles
John Elliot Smith

Who were the Alpha delegates?

RH Ogle(6)
RC Giles

James P. Boags ended up substituting for RH Ogle(6).

What was advised at the December 19th 1908 meeting?

The Alpha delegates were advised to support GB Kelley(4) for General President.

Where did the General Convention assemble?

On the fourth floor of Howard main building. Formerly the office of the Howard University Journal.

What does the constitution say about the General Convention?

The Alpha chapter President should preside, but HA Callis(1) permitted Beta president, George Lyle, to preside.

Who were the delegates for Beta, Gamma, and Delta?

Beta: Moses A. Morrison and George Lyle

Gamma: R.P. Graves and S.S. Bookers

Delta: Did not show up.

Who acted as General Convention Chairman and Secretary

George Lyle, Chairman

Arte Fleming, Secretary

What happened during the afternoon session?

HA Callis(1) presided, and the convention resolved into a committee of the Whole to work on the constitution.

RC. Giles was elected Chairman and James P. Boags elected as secretary.

Professor Kelley Miller of Howard University was presented as Beta chapter's honorary member.

What happened after the second day's session?

It was closed with a Banquet at Murray's given by Beta.

Who was on the Committee of Arrangements?

Brothers George B. Overton

Moses A. Morrison

George A. Lyle
C.S. Cowan

W.R. Wilson

James A. Wright

How was the banquet styles? How many were in attendance and where did they sit?

It was styled a "sumptuous affair"

About 35 men attended and they were seated at a long, beautifully decorated table.

Who was toastmaster at the Convention Banquet?

George Lyle

Who spoke on the Alpha Chapter?

HA Callis

Who spoke on "To Promote a More Perfect Union?"

James P. Boags

Who spoke on "The Beta Chapter?"

J. Russel Hunt

Who spoke on "The Gamma Chapter?"

S.S. Booker

Who spoke on "The Negro in the Larger Universities?"

RC Giles

Who spoke on "Our Outlook?"

Arte Fleming

When did the third session open?

What happened during this session?

December 30th 1908 at 8:30am.

The passwords and new grip had been presented as the old became known outside of the fraternity circle.

What happened on Wednesday of the Convention week?

Beta hosted an upperclassmen dance called Xmas Prom.

When did elections take place and what were the results?

Thursday, the last day of the convention.

Moses A. Morrison, General President

HA Callis(1), Vice President

S.S. Booker, Secretary

RC Giles, Treasurer

Where was the next convention to be held?

At Gamma chapter.

How was the convention closed?

Singing led by HA Callis(1), "God Be With You Till We Meet Again"