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46 Cards in this Set

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What is another term for foreskin?


What is the term for when testicles have not descended or are hidden?


What is the term for no testicles?


What is the name for the male sperm bank? What is the inflammation of the tubes that store the sperm?

1. Epididymis

2. Epididymitis

What is the term for the inflammation of the testicles?


What do BPH, PSA, DRE, TUR AND TURP stand for? What are their meanings?

1.) BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

-Enlarged prostate.

2.) PSA - Prostate Specific Antigen.

-Blood test.

3.) DRE - Digital Rectal Examination.

-Digits inserted via rectum to palpate the prostate.

4.) TUR - Transurethral Resection


5.) TURP - Transurethral Resection of the Prostate.

-Procedure to cut out bits of the prostate via the urethra.

What is the male sex hormone?


What is the term for the formation of sperm?


What is the name of the multi-staged STD?


What do you call the removal of the vas deferens?


What is the medical term for no period?


What is the excision of the breast?


What do you call the condition of having an abnormal lining of the uterus?


What is the medical term for delivery/giving birth?


What is the medical term for pregnancy?


What does oophor/o mean?


What does colp/o mean?


What does mamm/o mean?


What does salping/o mean?

Fallopian tube

What does cervic/o mean?


What does amni/o mean?


What does men/o mean?

Menses, menstruation

What does vulv/o mean?


What does metri/o mean?


What does culd/o mean?

Rectouterine pouch

Where does fertilization take place? What does implantation take place?

Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes.

Implantation takes place in the uterus.

What is gestation?

Pregnancy from conception to birth.

What is the baby called during the first eight weeks of pregnancy?


What is the incision of the perineum?


What is the name of the gland in males that causes lubrication? What is the name of the same gland in females?

Males - Bulburethral gland

Females - Bartholin's gland

What are the hormones that regulate the female reproductive system?

FSH, LH and estrogen.

What organ carried the egg from the ovaries to the uterus?

Fallopian tubes.

What is endometriosis?

Growth of the endometrial tissue outside the uterus.

What is the name of the fungal infection affecting the vaginal mucosa, skin and other areas?


What are the risk factors for gestational diabetes?

Obesity, family history and being over the age of 30.

What is Apgar score? What does 10 mean? What does 4 mean?

Apgar score is system of measurement used to evaluate an infant at birth. A score of 10 is perfect while a score of 4 requires medical intervention, especially is the child is in fetal distress.

What organ is cut for a vasectomy?

Vas deferens

What doctor specializes in the male reproductive system? What doctor specializes in the female reproductive system?

Male - Urologist

Female - Gynecologist

Do you need a percussion hammer for a pelvic exam?

LOL. Nope.

What is a BSE? How often should you do it?

BSE is Breast Self-Examination. It should be done once a month, no later than a week after menstruation.

What is Nagele's rule? How would you calculate it?

Nagele's rule is a method used to calculate a woman's due date. In order to calculate the estimated date of delivery, you need the female's LMP (last menstrual period), then you add seven days to the first day on the LMP, then subtract 3 months, finally add a year.

Where do pap smears go?

Pap smears go to cytology due to the scraping of cells.

What is protozoal infection that is spread through sexual contact, making it a STD?


What should be done following an abnormal pap smear?

Biopsy of the cervix, colposcopy, endocervical curettage.

Is the patch a barrier method form of birth control?


What can a woman expect during a prenatal testing?

CBC, urinalysis and rubella titer.