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26 Cards in this Set

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Nervous system

Physically connected network of cells,tissues, and organs that controls thoughts, movements, swallowing, etc.

Ex: walking outside on a sunny day your nervous system senses the bright light coming into your eyes. It sends a message that tells your pupils to shrink and let it in less light.

Endocrine system

Is a collection of physical disconnected organs that helps control growth development and responses to your environment, such as body temperature.

Example: when you're outside on a hot day or you exercise your body starts to feel warm. Your endocrine system response by producing messages that tell your body to sweat more so that you can cool down

Central nervous system (CNS)

Includes the brain and spinal cord. Interprets messages from other nerves in the body and stores for later uses


Depends on different systems in your body to communicate with one another. Timon maintain homeostasis, messages must be generated, delivered, interpreted, and acted upon by your body. Endocrine system and nervous system are the communicating that works.


Something that causes a response. In living systems, a stimulus is anything that triggers a change in an organism. Whether it be chemical, cellular, or Behavioral.

Ex:Ringing of your alarm clock if you don't sleep through it

Nervous System rate of communication

Your nervous system works quickly and controls and mediate processes, such as heart rate and breathing.

Ex: if you touch your hand to a hot stove comma an immediate response from the nervous system causes you to jerk your hand away.

Endocrine system rate of communication

Your endocrine system works slowly and controls processes over long periods of time such as hair growth, aging , and sleep patterns

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

The peripheral nervous system is a network of nerves that transmit messages to and from the central nervous system to other organs in the body.


Specialized cell that stores information and carries messages within the nervous system between other body systems

Cell body

Contains the nucleus and organelles


Branch like extentions of cytoplasm and the cell membrane that receive messages frome neighbor cells


Every neuron has an axon. Is a long extention that carries electrical signals away from the cell body and passes the to other cells

Three types of neurons

-sensory neurons


-motor neurons

Sensory neurons

Detect stimuli and transmit signals to the brain and the spinal cord.


Receive signals from sensory neurons and relay then withing the spinal cord and brain.

Motor neurons

Pass messages from the nervous system to other tissues in the body, like muscles

Sense organs

A sense organ is an organ that contains sensory neurons which detect external stimuli

Taste bud

A taste bud is a structure in which receptors for taste are clustered.

Papillae are bumps of tissues on the tongue, between which taste buds are embedded

Release of Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters ate chemicals made by neurons and thus transmit nerve impulses. These chemicals functions in the tiny gaps, called synapses, between neighboring neurons.

Sense Organs

A sense organ is an organ that contains sensory neurons which detect external stimuli


Anything in your environment that created a reaction

Mr. Lechner yelling "boo"

Adrenal gland

The adrenal glands are located above each kidney.

The cortex of the adrenal gland produces the steroid hormones cortisol and sldodterone.

The medulla of the adrenal gland produces the amino acids based hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Antomy of the Human Thyroid gland

The tbyroid gland is in the neck, wrapped around the trachea.The thyrois gland regulayes metabolism and development.

Parathyroid gland

The parathyroid glands are licated behund the thyroid gland. The parathyroid glands regulate calcium levels.


Tube that conects the pharynx to the lungs


Area of the throat that contains the vocal cords and produce vocal sounds.