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32 Cards in this Set

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GI Bill of Rights
Servicemen's Readjustment Act; established pensions and government loans to veterans for education, businesses, or to buy houses or farms
Employment Act
Law that established the Council of Economic advisers and pledged that the government would promote full employment and production
Council of Economic Advisers
Federal agency created by the Employment Act of 1946 to counsel the president on economic policy
Taft-Hartley Act
Law that gave judges the power to end some strikes, outlawed closed shop agreements, restricted unions' political contributions, and required union leaders to swear they were not Communists
Committee on Civil Rights
Committee appointed by President Harry S Truman in 1946 to examine racial issues
States' Rights Party; formed in 1948 by southern Democrats who were dissatisfied with President Harry S Truman's support for civil rights issues
J. Strom Thurmond
South Carolina governor who was a presidential candidate in 1948 for the Dixiecrats
Henry Wallace
Left the Democratic Party to found a new Progressive Party
Thomas Dewey
Republican presidential candidate in the 1948 election
Fair Deal
Series of reform programs proposed by President Harry S Truman after the 1948 election; achieved mixed results
Oveta Culp Hobby
Supervised the establishment of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare that Roosevelt established
Modern Republicanism
Name given to President Dwight D. Eisenhower's attempt to balance liberal domestic reforms with conservative spending during the 1950s
Use of machines to replace humans in production
George Meany
The AFL-CIO's first president who helped his union greatly
Highway Act
Law that provided money to create a national highway system
Baby boom
Soaring birthrate in the US following WWII
Juvenile delinquency
Antisocial behavior by young people
Rock 'n' roll
Popular music introduced in the 1950s; influenced by African American rhythm and blues
Elvis Presley
Emerged as rock's leading talent
Brown v. Board of Education
Supreme Court case that declared "separate but equal" public schools unconstitutional
Thurgood Marshall
A lawyer who argued on Brown's behalf in Brown v. Board of education
Little Rock Nine
Nine African American students who first integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957
Rosa Parks
An African American who refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger and was arrested and worked hard for civil rights
Montgomery Improvement Association
Organization formed by African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1956 to strengthen the bus boycott and to coordinate protest efforts of African Americans' led by Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Chosen as the MIA spokesperson because he was a great speaker
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Law that made it a federal crime to prevent qualified persons from voting
Felix Longoria
A Mexican American soldier killed during WWII whose body was returned to his hometown and was discriminated against
League of United Latin American Citizens
Group formed in 1929 to lobby for Hispanic concerns and issues
Ralph Ellison
An African American writer who wrote about experiences of those facing poverty and discrimination
A small, influential group of writers and poets
Jack Kerouac
Wrote one of the best-known beat works
Urban Renewal
Program launched by the federal government in the 1950s to replace old, run-down inner-city buildings