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14 Cards in this Set

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"Fireside Chats"

A calming tactic used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to assure the American people and keep them updated through radio broadcasts.

21st Amendment

Execution of Democratic promise to 32nd prohibition, permitting free flow of alcoholic beverages. One of FDR's multitude of social reforms to end the depression.

Hundred Days

The speedy passing of FDR's fifteen major proposals of new legislation. His numerous acts propelled action and gave people hope for relief.

Civilian Conservation Corp

A relief measure created to provide jobs to the unemployed and homeless. These workers helped with internal improvement projects and were also offered 3ducation toward a high school diploma.

Civil Works Administration

Provided federal jobs and wages for those who could not find work in the winter of 1933. It was extremely successful and helped with federal projects but was quickly shut down by President FDR as costs and dependency on the federal government continued to rise.

Works Progress Administration

Created manage relief programs and created millions of jobs as quickly as possible. Although a lot of federal money was wasted, many landmarks, schools, and buildings came out of the work. They also funded art and student programs.

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

An agency created to save the crippling farm economy by raising crop pricing and paying farmers to reduce production. It was overall successful through its efforts of destroying crops and slaughtering pigs to reduce production.

National Industrial Recovery Act

An agency that focused on economic recovery and public works projects (NRA and PWA). The former was ambitious in its goals to regulate industry and improve labor codes.

Tennessee Valley Authority

A new deal application that brought electrical power to one of the nation's poorest regions. The program created nine dams that spawned new jobs and generated cheap electricity.

Dust Bowl

A decade long drought in the Mississippi Valley and Midwest regions that severely impacted the agricultural sector there. The enormous amounts of flying dirt and horrible conditions caused millions of families to migrate, forming in okie sub culture out in California.

Share-the-Wealth Program

Huey Long's plan to deal with the Great Depression if elected president. His plan was to confiscated fortune from the rich and ditribute it to the poor. Although the plan was not realistic, it did garner millions of supporters.

Social Security Act

Created a federal system of social security for the elderly, retired, and unemployed. It was financed by taxes and up to the state to protect it's unemployables while national focused on the able bodied.

National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act

One of the legislations of Roosevelt's second new deal that prohibited employers from interfering and union activities. It also created the National Labor Relations Board that supervised unions and investigated unfair practices.

Court-Packing Plan

Roosevelt's plan to enlarge the predominantly conservative Supreme Court in order to ensure his programs would be passed. The plan failed because many feared the president's power and glorified the power of the court.