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42 Cards in this Set

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Potsdam Conference
The meeting of world leaders from world war II who decided on how to punish nazi germany.
Iron Curtain
The metaphorical curtain that divided east and west Europe and russia, communists from the rest of the world.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an organization which made an alliance between America and Europe.
1948 Election
In this election, despite all people against him and Democratic party splinters, Truman pulled through using the old New Deal coalition.
Douglas MacArthur
The General sent to the Korean War who made a series of daring but effective meneuvers with the air force, but got dismissed.
“Self Determination"
nations have a choice in their own sovereignty and political status.
Lend Lease Aid
the system used to allow the united states to provide war materials to Europe and Asia before we entered world war II
Taft Hartley Act
a legislation passed that regulated labor unions.
McCarthyism – Joseph McCarthy
The system of accusing government officials of being communists too quickly for a retort to be made, ended when McCarthy challenged the army.
Adlai Stevenson
an illinois senator who lost against Eisenhower in the election.
CIA – and all covert actions (Iran, Guatemala, Lebanon)
The CIA put American-friendly government officials in using sneaky methods.
The first man-made satellite that orbited the earth. It didn't do much.
Francis Gary Powers (U-2 Incident) (“Open Skies”)
An air force pilot who was shot down by the soviets when on an esponiage mission, causing the U-2 crisis.
A missile with a long range used normally to deliver nuclear payload.
Bernard Baruch
A financier who was known for his assistance of Wilson and Roosevelt during World War II. He helped to form the NRA afterwards.
George Marshall
An American military leader, Chief of Staff of the Army, Secretary of State, and the third Secretary of Defense. he was known for his assistance in the allied victory of World War II.
Dean Acheson
Secretary of State under Truman who helped to form the Marshhall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and NATO.
George Kennan
The political figure known best for forming the plan of containment.
Andrei Gromyko
The Russian leader responsible for many top decisions from 1985 to 1987.
Chiang Kai-Sheik
The leader who united China before being defeated by the communist party leader, Mao Tse-Tung
Mao Tse-Tung
The Communist leader of China who defeated Chiange Kai-shek.
Ho Chi Minh
The communist leader of Vietnam until he died in 1969.
The Nationalist leader of Vietnam
Nikita Khrushchev
Leader of the Soviet Union through the first part of the Cold War.
NSC – 68
A formerly classified report which stressed military over diplomatic action during the Cold War.
National Security Council
the president's principal forum for considering National Defense.
National Security Act 1947
realigned American military in post-World War II.
Articulated by Kennan, it focused on keeping communism from spreading.
Marshall Plan
the plan which provided for post-war aid by the United States to Europe.
Suez Crisis
A war fought by Britain, France, and Israel against Egypt. It was over the nationalization of the Suez Canal.
Gamal Nasser
The Second president of Egypt who led the charge for the nationalization of Egypt which led to the suez crisis.
Alger Hiss
An American businessman, lawyer, and author who was accused of being a societ spy.
Truman Doctrine
The doctrine passed by Truman which stated that the United States would help Turkey and Greece fight against communism.
Berlin Airlift
As a result of the soviet's Berlin Blockade, Harry Truman airlifted supplies to West Berlin. One of the reasons Truman won re-election.
Kim Il-Sung
The Communist leader of North Korea placed by Soviets, who attacked South Korea.
38th Parallel
The boundary line for the two Koreas.
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
American communists who were executed for esponiage involving nuclear weapons.
Klaus Fuchs
A German physicist and atomic spy, allegedly the most important spy who gave the Soviets information about the atomic bomb.
Election of 1952
Truman didn't run, so Eisenhower did, and he won because people like Ike.
Military Industrial Complex
the concept of policy agreements between countries and their governments, industries, and militaries.
Council of Economic Advisers
The council of three economic advisers who advise the president on economic policy.
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State under Eisenhower who took a very aggressive stance against communism.