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44 Cards in this Set

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potsdan conference
meething of yus president harry truman , winston churchiill, and jpsiph stalin after germanys surrender in wwii at which they divided germany into four zones of occupation
huge corportations run by single families that monoplized the japanese economy efore wwii
nuremberg trials
war crimes trials of high-ranking nazi officials held by an internaional military tribunal in nuremberhg germany: began in 1945
hideki tojo
japans premier during the war, person sentenced to death
United Nations
international organization chartered in 1945: created to settle problems between nations
trygve lie
of norway that served as the un's first secretary-general
eleanor roosevelt
served as one of the first us delegates to the un
movement for a jewish homeland in palestine
david ben-gurion
zionist leader supported the idea that a movement for seeked a jewish homeland in palestine
ralph bunche
persuaded both sides to accept an armistice
Cold War
long power struggle between the us and the su: waged mostly on economic and political fronts, rather than onthe battlefield
satellite nations
countries controlled by the su
george kennan
a state department official and soviet expert, advised similar action
us foreign policy followed during the Cold War that soughbt to prevent the expansion of soviet communism
baruch plan
bernard baruchs proposal to create an internaional agency that would impse [penalities on contries that violated internaional controls on muclear weapons
atomic energy act
federal law that created the atomic energy comminsssion to oversee nuclear weapons research and to promote peacetime uses of atomic energy
truman doctrine
president harry truman s policy stating that the us would help any country fighting against communism
george c. marshall
Secretary of State
marshall plan
european ercovery program: us program of gingin money to european contries to help them rebuild their economies after wwii
berlin airlift
operation in which british and us planes carried food and supplies to West Berlin, which was cut off by soviet blockade
North Atlantic treay organization: alliance fromed in 1949 by the us, Western European nations, and other countries to help defend each other in case of attack
Warsaw Pact
militrary allieance formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union an other Eastern European communist contries
chiang kai-shek
led the kuomintang, or nationalist party, against the chinese communists
Mao Zedong
communist party leader that made reforms that gave land to peasants
kim il sung
communist North Korea , bacame known as the democratic peoples Republic of Korea
syngman rhee
South Korea president , called Republic of Korea
douglas macarthur
us army Far East commander
dwight d eisenhower
wwii hero as presidential canidate for the republicans
policy in the 1950 sthat called for threatening all-out war in order to confront communist aggression
Central Intelligence Agency
federal agency created in the late 1940s to conduct cover operations
nikita khrushchev
soviet leader
national security council
organization created in 1947 by congresss to advise the president on stategic matters
house un-american activities committee
congressional committee originally created in 1938 to investigate fascits: became kinows for investigatin us cirizens accused of communist ties in the late 1940s
hollywood ten
group of film directors and writers who went to jail rather than answer questions from the HUAC
alger hiss
was accused of being a communist spy, which he was later found guilty of
julius and ethel rosenberg
were convicted of providing the Soviet Union with atomic energy secrets during wwii
internal security act
law that required suspected communist groups to refister with the government and imposed controls on immigrants suspected of eing communist sympathizers
joseph mccarthy
us senator from wisconsin, convinced americans there were spies everywhere
margaret chase smith
republican senator from maine that challenged joseph mccarthy
hydrogen bomb
h-bomb: a type of nuclear bomb
billy graham
evangelist that attracted people and warned them of the danger of nuclear war and brought them to god
the world fitst artificial staellite: launched by the Soviet Union in 1957
national aeronautics and space administration
agency established by congress in 1958 to promote space technology
national defense education act
military preparedness program established prior to us entry into wwi that increased the size of the national guard and the regular us army