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41 Cards in this Set

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Potsdam Conference
Marks the first time president Truman met with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin since FDR's death
Nuremberg Trials
German war crimes trials held at Nuremberg
Hideki Tojo
Japan's premier during the war
United Nations
Postwar international organization
Trygve Lie
First secretary-general of the UN
Eleanor Roosevelt
Served as one of the first U.S. delegates of the UN
The movement seeking a Jewish homeland
David Ben-Gueion
Zionist leader
Huge corporations run by single families that monopolized the Japanese economy before WWII
Ralph Bunche
Persuaded both sides to accept an armistice
Cold War
War between two super powers
Satellite nations
Countries under soviet control
George Kennan
A State Department official soviet specialist
Restricting the expansion of Soviet communism
Baruch Plan
Impose penalties on countries that did not follow international rule
Atomic Energy Act
Created civilian controlled AEC
Truman Dodtrine
Truman's speech to Congress
George C. Marshall
Secretary of State
Marshall Plan
Congress funded the European Recovery Program
Berlin Airlift
U.S. planes carried more than two million tons of food and supplies to the people of West Berlin
North Atlantic treaty organization
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between the Soviet Union and other communist countries
Chiang Kai-sheik
Led the nationalist party
Mao Zedong
Led the communist in the civil war between China, he won
Kim II Sung
Led North Korea
Syngman Rhee
President of South Korea
Douglas MacArthur
Was the US army's Far East commander
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republicans used him as their presidential candidate
The ability to get on the brink of war but without getting into war
Gathers strategic information
Nikita Khrushchev
Publicly accused Stalin of committing many ruthless crimes
U-2 Incident
caused a brief thaw in the war to come to an abrupt end
National Security Council
Advise the president on strategic matters
House un-American Activities Committee
Questioned the political ties of members of peace organizations
Hollywood Ten
A group of Californian film directors and writers went to jail
Alger Hiss
Accused of being a communist spy
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
Convicted them of providing the S.U. With to mic energy secrets during WWII
Internal Security Act
Required Communist Party members and organizations to register with the federal government.
Joseph McCarthy
Us senator from Wisconsin
Margaret Chase Smith
Republican senator from Maine
Billy Graham
Evangelist attracted large audiences during the 1950's