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47 Cards in this Set

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prokaryotic domains
domain bacteria and domain archaea
eukaryotic domains
domain eukarya
differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
prokayyotes have:
- no membrane bound organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, choloroplasts, etc.)
- smaller ribosomes.
characteristics of domain archaea
- extremophiles - lovers of extreme conditions (temperature, osmolarity, etc)
- similar to bacteria
- methane producers
shape of bacteria
- cocci (spherical)
- bacilli (rod shaped)
- spirilli (spirals)
differences between gram positive and gram negative cell walls
- gram positive cell walls: turn purple. smoother outside. thick peptidoglycan.
- gram negative cell walls: turn punk. rougher outside. have endotoxins. thin peptidoglycan. additional outer membrane.
capsule of bacteria
- made of polysaccharides
- helps bacteria attach to any surface
- helps bacteria invade immune system.
fimbriae (attachment pili) of bacteria
- external feature
- protein filament
- helps attach
sex pilus of bacteria
- external feature
- involved in the exchange of genetic information.
- can only be formed if the bacteria has the F gene
- if the bacteria has the F gene in its plasmid, it is F+.
- if the bacteria has the F gene in its chromosome, it is Hfr
flagella of bacteria
- external feature
- bacterial motility
- filament that propels organism.
- arrange themselves differently.
cell membrane of bacteria
- internal structure
- regulates what comes in and out of bacteria
ribosomes of bacteria
- internal structure
- smaller
- involved in protein synthesis. ATP
chromosomes in bacteria
- internal structure
- genetic information similar to DNA but different structure.
plasmids in bacteria
- internal structure
- smaller unit of genetic information
- give bacteria unique characteristics like antibiotic resistance.
endospores in bacteria
- a thick-coated, resistant cell produced by a bacterial cell exposed to harsh conditions, then released when the enclosing bacterial cell dies then it breaks down
factors that lead to diversity among bacteria
- rapid reproduction
- mutation
- genetic recombination
genetic recombination
- transformation: take up open DNA. sometimes DNA is incorporated into their own DNA.
- transduction: viral transfer of DNA. the bacterial virus is the "phage"
- conjugation: bacteria to bacteria transfer of genetic information via sex pilus.
F+ x F- conjugation
- F+ is the bacteria that has the gene in its plasmid with the ability to form sex pilus.
- F- is the bacteria that will be receiving the DNA.
Hfr x F- conjugation
- Hfr is the bacteria that has the gene in its chromosome with the ability to form the sex pilus
- F- is the bacteria that will be receiving the DNA.
energy sources in bacteria
- phototroph: receives energy from the sun.
- chemotroph: receives energy from oxidation of chemicals.
carbon sources in bacteria
- autotroph: uses CO2 as a carbon source.
- heterotroph: uses organic compounds as carbon sources.
nitrogen metabolism
- needed for amino and nucleic acids.
- get it from nitrogen fixation.
importance of prokaryotes
1. important decomposers.
2. form symbiotic relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)
3. we use them or their products all the time.
4. useful in biotechnology.
- any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant or fungus.
- structurally diverse (unicellular, colonial, multicellular
- metabolically diverse
- reproductively diverse.
- diverse lifestyle.
- live everywhere.
eukarya supergroups
1. excavata
2. chromalveolata
3. archaeplastida
4. unikonta
characteristics of excavata
- modified mitochondria
- unique flagella
- varied mode of life (phototophs, heterotrophs, parasites)
- eukarya --> excavata
- parasitic
- causes diarrhea
- eukarya --> excavata
- termite gut
- degrades cellulose (wood)
- eukarya --> excavata
- sexually transmitted disease
- eukarya --> excavata
- mixotroph
- eukarya --> excavata
- african sleeping sickness
- two groups: alveolates and stramenophiles.
- group of chromalveolata
- have membrane bound sac under the plasma membrane
- three subgroups: dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, cilliates.
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> alveolates
- red photosynthetic algae
- have cellulose plates
- 2 flagella in grooves
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> alveolates
- have a complex of organelles at their apex
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> alveolates --> dinoflagellate
- example of a dinoflagellate.
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> alveolates --> apicomplexan
- example of a apicomplexan
- causative agent of malaria.
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> alveolates --> cilliate
- have cilia
- have two types of nuclei (macronucleus, and micronucleus)
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> stramenopiles
- unicellular, colonial, and multicellular algae. photosynthetic
- oomycetes. heterotrophic, decomposers, parasitic.
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> stramenopiles --> diatoms
- abrasive.
- SiO2 shell.
brown and gold algae
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> stramenopiles --> brown and gold algae.
- brown algae goes through alternation of generations.
- eukarya --> chromalveolata --> stramenopiles --> oomycetes
- water mold. cause of the irish potato famine.
- eukarya --> archaeplastida
- consists of red algae, green algae, and land plants (not protist)
red algae
- eukarya --> archaeplastida --> red algae
- photosynthetic. red photosynthetic pigment
green algae
- eukarya --> archaeplastida --> green algae
- photosynthetic. green photosynthetic pigment
- similar to land plants in terms of chloroplast structure and pigment.
- eukarya --> unikonta
- consist of: aboebozoans, fungi (not protist), animals (not protist)
- two groups.
- eukarya --> unikonta --> amoebozoans
- consist of: amoeba, plasmodial slime molds, cellular slime molds
- phagocytize