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16 Cards in this Set

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Who was the father of containment policy and what was it and how did it he outline it
George Kennan

To prevent communism to spreading in European nations

"Long Telegraph"
What was the Truman Doctrine?
rovide money to greece and turkey to solidify democrtic governemtns and to prevent a communistic takeover
Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism
Wildly accusing everyone, even members of the military to be communists
bERLIN air lift
example of a succesful instance of Truman's containment policy
made in 1938 though not forcefully used utnil after WW2.

it focused on loyalty and security
what culture change happened during the 1950s
fear of communism helped to reate a complacent, conformist society
Hollywood Ten and what became popular
question bi directors if they have communistic intentions. jailing and blacklisting became popular
Dennis v. United States
affirms conviction and jailings of an individual of national security is threatened
Taft-Hartley Act
The act amended the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and imposed certain restrictions of the money and power of labor unions, including a prohibition against mandatory closed shops.
What helped Truman to win-reelection
When the Dixiecrats (southern democrats) split from the party over differences on a civil rights platform
how did America deal with spies?
very harshly. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were exectued when it as revealed they were acting as spies for the Soviets

they also prosecuted alger hiss
was america toughening up?
they created the NSC-68, the CIA, a Secretary of Defense in the cabinet
GI Bill of rights
helped many rise to the middle class and receive an education. social mobility assistance
Were people trying to help the recovery of Europe's economy?
Yes, the Marshall plan was designed to give money to rebuild Europe (part of containment) as well as The Bretton Woods conference where met to create a world bank to stabilize international currency, increase investment in
under-developed areas, and speed the economic recovery of Europe.
the beats
books like on teh raod by jack kerouc helped to spur a new generational outlook amongst teenagers and it was evident in their attitude pasions and musci
what was going on with federal spending at home for projects
NASA was formed and America vowed to have someone at the moon by 1969