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17 Cards in this Set

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Amphibian Movement on Land:
First? Includes?
- most dramatic event in animal evolution was the movement from water to land
- insects and plants first
- includes tetrapods (4-footed vertebrates)
- 4 groups: reptiles, birds, amphibians, mammals
Physical Differences Between Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats:
- oxygen content
- density
- temperature regulation
- habitat diversity
- oxygen is 20x more abundant in air and diffuses faster through air
- no buoyancy with air, have to fight gravity which requires stronger libs and skeleton
- much greater fluctuation in air temperatures, terrestrial amphibians are exposed to cycles of freezing, thawing, drying, and flooding (adap)
- more habitats to choose from (biomes); safer places to lay eggs
terrestriality deffinition
To be on land
What allowed aquatics vertebrates to become terrestrial?
Lungs and limbs
Systematic: oxygenated to body
separate from:
Pulmonary: deoxygenated to lungs
Ancestor to amphibians:
Class Amphibia:
- "double life" or quasiterrestrial (part of life cycle in water and part on land)
- 1st vert. to move to land (with restrictions); still require water for fertilization
- bony skeleton; smooth, moist, thin skin used for respiration
- primitive lungs and gills (gills in larvae)
- ectothermic (poikilothermic): cold-blooded
- eggs jelly-like and need water (separate sexes)
- most sensitive to pollution because of thin skin
Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertibrata includes:
- Class Amphibia:
- Order Gymnophiona (caecilians)
- Order Caudata (sal. and newts)
- Order Anura (frogs and toads)
Order Gymnophiona:
Contains? Means?
Location,description,diet, and reproduction
- caecilians, "naked of a sake"
- found in tropical forests of SA (also Africa/ SE Asia)
- elongated, limbless, burrowing creatures
- eyes small and mostly blind as adults
- eat worms and small invertebrates
- most oviparous (lay eggs near water) and some viviparous
* guard eggs
- young obtain nourishment as embryos by eating wall of oviduct
Order Caudata:
Contains? Means?
Location, size diet
- salamanders and newts, means "having tail"
- tailed amphibians
- abundant in NA and temperate regions of world
- normally small (15 cm)
- carnivorous eating worms and small Arthropods (mostly only things that move)
Breeding Behavior of Caudata:
- some salamanders are entirely aquatic
- most are metamorphic: have aquatic larvae and terrestrial adults (live on moist places)
- internal fert. by spermatophore (sperm packet deposited by male)
- terrestrial species guard eggs
American Newt:
- most complex life cycle observed in Caudata
- aquatic larvae metamorphose to form terrestrial juveniles (red eft) that later metamorphose again to produce aquatic breeding adults
Respiration in Caudata:
- gills, lungs or both
- lungs present (become active after metamorphosis)
- totally aquatic: keep gills and fin-like tail
2 exceptions:
- Amphiumas: lose gills and breath by lungs; point nostrils above water surface to get air
- Plethodontidae family: entirely terrestrial but lack lungs; breath through skin and mouth (breathing through mouth called buccopharyngeal breathing)
Paedomorphosis in Caudata:
"child form"
- retention in adults features that were present in immature stages
NECTURUS: mud puppies, nonmetamorphic, permanently gilled species
AMPHIUMA: never metamorphose
(2 genuses of salamanders)
Order Anura:
Contains? Means?
- frogs/toads, "without tail"
- most familiar amphibians
- specialized for jumping
- experience metamorphosis (tadpole>adult)
- secrete slippery mucous for defense
- can blow up (makes difficult to swallow)
- ability to leap and use of poison glands are their best protection
- amplexus: copulary embrace
Amplexus Deffinition:
Copulary embrace (male latches onto female)
Froggie Facts:
- only amphibians to have voice
- Family Bufonidae:
- Family Hylidae:
- Genus RANIDAE:
- *Rana pipiens*:
- *Rana catesbeiana*:
- *Conraua goliath* W. Africa, >30 cm long: eats big rats and ducks
- *Phyllobates limbatus*(1989 in Cuba)
- found in 2003 in India
- New Guinea male frog:
- lungless frog:
- true toads
- tree frogs
- most abundant frogs (Rana)
- leopard frog (dissect in bio.)
- largest Americam frog (bullfrog)
- largest anuran
- smallest frog
- purple frog
- carries babies
- newest species found in 2007 small Jaba the Hutt