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71 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 functions of the kidney?
1. filters blood, allowing toxins, metabolic waste and excess ions to leave the body in urine
2. Regulates volume and chemical makeup of the blood
3. Maintains the proper balance between water and salts, and acids and bases
The renal function of the production of renin helps to
regulate blood pressure and erythropoietin to stimulate RBS production
Gluconeogenesis happens during
prolonged fasting
Renal function activates vitamin
This organ provides a temporary storage reservoir for urine
Urinary bladder
This organ transports urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Paired ureters
This organ transports urine from the bladder out of the body
This organ lies in a retroperitoneal position in the superior lumbar region
Why is the right kidney lower than the left?
Because it is crowded by the liver
The lateral surface of the kidney is
The medial surface of the kidney is
Ureters, renal blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves enter and ext at the
Nephrons are structural and functional units that form urine, consisting of ____ and ____.
glomerular (bowmans capsule)
A tuft of capillaries associated with a renal tubule
Blind, cupshaped end of a renal tubule that completely surrounds the glomerulus
Glomerular (Bowmans capsule)
The glomerulus and it's Bowman's capsule
Renal corpuscle
Fenestrated epitelium that allows solute-rich, virtually protein-free filtrate to pass from the blood into the glomerular capsule
Glomerular endothelium
Which layer of the glomerular capsule is the structural layer?
External parietal layer
This layer consists of modified, branching epithelial podocytes
visceral layer
Openings between the foot processes that allow filtrate to pass into the capsular space
filtration slits
composed of cuboidal cells with numerous microvilli and mitochondria
Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
What is the function of the Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
reabsorbs water and solutes back into the body
A hairpin shaped loop of the renal tubule
Loop of Henle
This portion of the loop of henle has more secretion going on and less absorption
asending (thick segment)
This portion of the loop of henle has less secretion and more absorption
Desending (thin segment)
This tubule consists of cuboidal cells that function more in secretion than reabsorption
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
This portion of the distal convoluted tubule is nearer to the collecting ducts.
Distal portion
Two types of cells are found in the collecting tubules
Intercalated cells
Principal cells
This cell type functions in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body & consists of cuboidal cells with microvilli
intercalated cells
This cell type helps maintain the body's water and salt balance and consists of cuboidal cells without microvilli
principal cells
These nephrons make up 85% and are located in the cortex
Cortical nephrons
This nephron is considered "special" and are located at the cortex-medulla junction; have loops of Henle that deeply invade the medulla; have extensive thin segments; they are also involved in the production of concentrated urine
Juxtamedullary nephrons
These are straight vessels, retrieving more water into blood
vasa recta
Every nephron has two capillary beds, what are called?
peritubular capilaries
This is fed by an afferent arteriole and is drained by an efferent arteriole.
the glomerulus
T or F - Blood pressure in the glomerulus is low and inconsistant.
False - blood pressure in the glomerulus is high and consistant.
T or F - fluids and solutes are forced out of the blood throughout the entire length of the glomerulus.
This type of capillary bed are low-pressure, and arise from efferent arterioles
Peritubular beds
This type of capillary beds cling to adjacent renal tubules and empty into the renal venous system
Peritubular beds
Long, straight efferent arterioles of the juxtamedullary nephron
Vasa recta
This is where the distal tubule lies against the afferent arteriole
juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
What type of cells are enlarged, smooth muscle cells, have secretory granules containing renin and act as mechanoreceptors?
Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
The JGA is knows as the -
quality control center
This part of the JGA, is tall, closely packed distal tubule cells that lie adjaccent to JG cells and function as chemoreceptors or osmoreceptors
Macula densa
These cells have phagocytic and contractile properties and influence capillary filtration
Mesanglial cells
Filter that lies between the blood and the interior of the glomerular capsule is the
filtration membrane
The filtration membrane is composed of what 3 layers?
fenestrated endothelium
visceral membrane (podocytes)
basement membrane
The kidneys filter the body's entrie plasma volume how many times per day?
The filtrate contains all plasma components except?
This contains metabolic wastes and unneeded substances
What are the three major processes of urine formation
glomerular filtration
tubular reabsorption
The glomerulus is more efficient than other capillary beds because
of what 3 reasons?
filtration membrane is more permeable
glomerular blood pressure is higher
has a higher net filtration pressure
Plasma proteins are not filtered and are used to maintain ____________.
osmotic pressure of the blood
This is responsible for filtrate formation
Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)
NFP = ________ minus the __________ combined with the ______.
glomerular hydrostatic pressure
oncotic pressure of glomerular blood
capsular hydrostatic pressure
NFP = HP - (OP + HP)
The total amount of filtrate formed per minute by the kidneys
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
There are three factors the govern filtration rate at the capillary bed. They are-
Total surface area available for filtration
Filtration membrane permeability
Net filtration pressure
The (GFR) Glomerular filtration rate is directly proportional to the
Changes in the GFR normally result from changes in
glomerular blood pressure
What happens if the GFR is too high?
substances cannot be reabsorbed quickly enough and are lost in the urine
What happens if the GFR is too low?
everything is reabsorbed, including wastes that are normaly disposed of. (you reabsorb too much)
What 3 mechanisms control GFR?
renal autoregulation (intrinsic system)
neural controls
Hormonal mechanism (the renin-angiotensin system)
Under normal conditions, renal autoregulation maintains a nearly constant ___________ rate
glomerular filtration
Autoregularion entails what two types of control?
flow-dependent tubuloglomerular feedback
Responds to changes in pressure inthe renal blood vessels - smooth muscle cells - minipulating blood cells
senses changes in the juxtaglomerular apparatus
flow-dependent tubuloglomerular feedback
Renal blood vessels are maximally dilated and autoregulation mechanisms prevail when this system is at rest.
sympathetic nervious system (you get nervous and have to pee)
Renin-angiotensin mechanism is triggered when the JG cells release _____.
Renin acts on angiotensinogen to release ______.
angiotensin I
Angiotensin I causes mean arterial pressure to _____.
When the mean arterial pressure rised this increases/decreased glomerular function.