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45 Cards in this Set

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A passenger boat that was smuggling arms that was sunk by a German U-boat. It was one of the events that egged on war.
The taking of the Canal Zone
The phrase used by Teddy Roosevelt for his strategy used to get the area he used to build the Panama Canal.
Open Door Policy (Notes)
the policy used for dealing with China that other countries could deal with China freely.
Roosevelt Corollary
The piece of the Monroe Doctrine added by Roosevelt that stated that
Sussex Pledge
A pledge from Germany to the United states to keep us out of the war. It involved their submarine warfare and keeping it restricted.
“Dollar Diplomacy”
The strategy used by Taft that was bent on replacing the military domination with US colonies with economic ties.
League of Nations
An international organization formed by the Treaty of Versailles and a precursor to the United Nations.
Pancho Villa
A general from Mexico who hoped to receive political power by raiding American towns and villages on the border.
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram from the German Prime Minister to the embassador in Mexico that was intercepted that said that Germany would support Mexican war against the United States.
William Jennings Bryan
An american politician who ran for president many times and was eventually taken into Wilson's cabinet.
Hay Herran Convention
A meeting between hay and Thomas Herran of Columbia that negotiated American usage of the land for the Panama canal. Senate rejected the treaty.
Bernard Baruch
The broker who financed the War Industries Board, which oversaw the production of factories and such to help the economy and war effort.
Herbert Hoover
The man who headed the Food Administration, which helped in food rationing for the war.
Eugene V Debs
The leader of the American Socialist party who denounced capitalism during the war.
Hay-Pauncefort Treaty
The treaty that gave the united states England's permission to build the panama canal.
The Socialist party of Russia that seized power during World War I.
Sedition Act
A law passed that gave harsh penalties to anyone who seemed disloyal to anyone.
Espionage Act
A law passed that gave up to twenty years in prison to anyone who were found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty.
14 Points
Fourteen things Wilson wanted to get done at the peace conference he believed would bring lasting peace.
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
the treaty that gave the united states the rights to the land for the panama canal.
George Creel
The first head of the CPI, appointed by Wilson.
The Committee on Public Information, a propaganda organization formed by Wilson to help gain citizen's support for the war.
The War Industries Board, formed to help the economy accommodate the war.
Bernard Baruch
The Wall Street Broker who headed the War Industries Board.
Eugene V. Debs
The head of the American Socialist Party who was arrested, but still ran for president.
People who believe that war and violence is bad and won't participate in conflict in any way.
Taft-Katsura Agreement
The Agreement formed between America and Japan that recognized japan's superiority over Korea in return for Japan not attacking the Philippines.
Victoriano Huerta
A Mexican revolutionary who was opposed heavily by Wilson for being a "butcher," but approved of by the rest of the world.
John J Pershing
the American General appointed by Wilson to pursue Pancho Villa into Mexico, but then he was withdrawn when he heard of the discontent from Europe.
Franz Ferdinand
The archduke heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne who's assasination by a young Serbian brought World War I.
George Creel
The first head of the CPI, appointed by Wilson.
The Committee on Public Information, a propaganda organization formed by Wilson to help gain citizen's support for the war.
The War Industries Board, formed to help the economy accommodate the war.
Bernard Baruch
The Wall Street Broker who headed the War Industries Board.
Eugene V. Debs
The head of the American Socialist Party who was arrested, but still ran for president.
People who believe that war and violence is bad and won't participate in conflict in any way.
Taft-Katsura Agreement
The Agreement formed between America and Japan that recognized japan's superiority over Korea in return for Japan not attacking the Philippines.
Victoriano Huerta
A Mexican revolutionary who was opposed heavily by Wilson for being a "butcher," but approved of by the rest of the world.
John J Pershing
the American General appointed by Wilson to pursue Pancho Villa into Mexico, but then he was withdrawn when he heard of the discontent from Europe.
Franz Ferdinand
The archduke heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne who's assasination by a young Serbian brought World War I.
American Union Against Militarism
An American Pacifist organization formed in World War I.
The act of a member of a congress to stall or even prevent voting on a bill.
Trench Warfare
The style of warfare introduced in World War I that involved the two sides dug into trenches and would fire at each other from there.
Liberty Bonds
A war bond sold by the United States to support the Allies in World War I.
Treaty of Versailles
the Treaty formed by the representatives in paris that ended world war I.