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42 Cards in this Set

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a non-sugar bonded to the anomeric carbon of a glycoside.
Commonly bonded to the sugar through nitrogen or oxygen.
the acetal form of a sugar
aldaric acid
a dicarboxylic acid formed by the oxidation of both end carbon atoms of monosaccharide
also known as a glycaric or saccharic acid
a polyalcohol formed by reduction of the carbonyl group of a monosaccharide
also known as sugar alcohol
a monosaccharide containing an aldehyde group
anomeric carbon
the hemiacetal carbon in the cyclic form of a sugar. Easily identifiable because it is the only carbon with two bonds to oxygen atoms
sugar steroisomers that differ in configuration only at the anomeric carbon. Classified as α or β depending on whether the anomeric hdroxyl group is trans (α) or cis (β) to the terminal -CH2OH
polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones, including their derivatives and polymers.
Many of these have the formula (Cn(H2O))m found from which they receive their name.
a linear β-1,4' polymer of D-glucopyranose.
It forms on the cell walls of plants and is a major constituent of wood and cotton.
A β-1,4' polymer of N-acetylglucoseamine that lends strength and regidity to the exoskeleton of insects and crustacians
the beetle's shiny shell is made of this
a reaction that causes a loss of a carbon atom
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
a biopolymer of deoxyribonucleotides that serves as a template for the synthesis of ribonucleic acid. It is also the template for its own replication.
deoxy sugar
a sugar in which a hydroxyl group is replaced by a hydrogen. These are recognized by the presence of a methylene group or a methyl group
the common dextrorotatory isomer of glucose.
D series of sugars
all sugars whose asymmetric carbon atom farthest away from the carbonyl group has the same configuration as the asymmetric carbon in D-(+)-glyceraldehyde. Most naturally occurring sugars are of this group
a carbohydrate whose hydrolysis gives two monosaccharide molecules
enediol rearrangement
a base-catalyzed tautomerization that interconverts aldoses and ketoses with an enediol as an intermediate. This enolization also epimerizes C2 and other carbon atoms.
two diastereomic sugars differing only in the configuration of a single asymmetric carbon atom.
erythro and threo
diastereomers having similar groups on the same side (erythro) or on opposite sides (threo) of the Fischer projection.
a five-membered cyclic hemiacital form of sugar
a five-membered cyclic glycoside
a glycoside derived from glucose
a cyclic acetal form of a sugar.

These are stable as a base, and are nonreducing sugars.
glycosidic linkage
a general term for an acetal bond from an anomeric carbon joining two monosaccharide units
glucosidic linkage
a glycosidic linkage using an acetal bond from the anomeric carbon of glucose
galactosidic linkage
a glycosidic linkage using an acetal bond from the anomeric carbon of galactose
Haworth projection
a flat-ring representation of a cyclic sugar.
a monosaccharide containing a ketone carbonyl group
Kiliani-Fischer synthesis
a method for elongating an aldose at the aldehyde end.

The aldose is converted into two epimeric aldoses with an additional carbon atom.
L series of sugars
all sugars whose asymmetric carbon atom farthest from the carbonyl group has the same configuration as the asymmetric carbon atom farthest from the carbonyl group has the same confiuration as the asymmetric carbon atom in L-(-)-glyceraldehyde.

Not common in nature
a spontaneous change in orbital rotation that occurs when a pure anomer of a sugar in its hemiacetal form equilibrates with the other anomer to give an equilibrium mixture with an averaged value of the optical rotation
an N-glycoside of β-D-ribofuranose or β-D-deoxyribofuranose, where the aglycone is one of several derivatives of pyrimidine or purine
a 5'-phosphate ester of a nucleoside
the product, containing two phenylhydrazone groups, that results from reaction of a reducing sugar with phenylhdyrazine.
a six-membered cyclic hemiacetal form of a sugar
a six-membered cyclic glycoside
reducing sugar
any sugar that gives a positive Tollen's test.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
A biopolymer of ribonucleotides that conrols the synthesis of proteins. The synthesis of RNA is generally controlled by and patterned after DNA in the cell.
The 5'-phosphate ester of a ribonucleoside, a component of RNA baed on β-D-ribofuranose and containing one of four heterocyclic bases.
Ruff degradation
a method for shortening the chain of an aldose by one carbon atom by treatment with bromine water, followed by hydroen peroxide adn Fe2(SO4)3.
a class of α-1,4' polymer of D-glucopyranose used for carbohydrate storage in plants and animals
any carbohydrate, reguardless of structure, complexity or taste.
Tollens test
a test for reducing sugars, employing the same silver-ammonia complex used as a test for aldehydes. A positive gives a silver precipitate.