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38 Cards in this Set

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Northern Securities Company
A large, damaging trust that was the first to be busted in Supreme court by Teddy Roosevelt.
Hepburn Act
An act passed which strengthened the ICC and set maximum railroad rates.
The Jungle
A book by Upton Sinclair that was muckraking in action. it revealed the horrors of the meat packing industry and got many bills passed.
Payne Aldrich Act
An act passed by Taft called for higher tariffs. This was a very unpopular act and helped discredit Taft.
“Bully Pulpit”
The theory by Teddy Roosevelt that the presidency was to be a leader in politics as well as ideas.
Ballinger – Pinchot Controversy
Ballinger wanted to sell public lands to friends, but Pinchot disagreed, so he protested with magazine articles, and Taft, in response, fired Pinchot.
Social Justice Movement
A progressive movement in US history in which those involved demanded better living and working conditions for the lower and middle class.
“Bull Moose”
The progressive republican party formed by Teddy Roosevelt to oppose the conservative republican Taft.
New Freedom
The platform used by Wilson when he ran for the presidency which emphasised business competition and small government.
The New Nationalism
The platform used by Teddy Roosevelt when he ran with the Bull Moose Party. This called for efficiency in government and society and exalted the expert. it also urged social justice reforms.
American Medical Association
A society that led to a lot of medical reform and pushed for more skill and specialty in medicine.
The Jungle / Upton Sinclair
A book that influenced the meatpacking industry and was one of the reasons the Meat Inspection Act was passed.
How the Other Half Lives / Jacob Riis
A muckraking book that was about the life of the lower class in cities.
The Woman's Christian Temprence Union, it worked to abolish alcohol. It suceeded when it merged with the anti-saloon league.
Anti-Saloon League
A group that pushed for outlawing of alcoholic drinks.
“Brandeis Brief”
The theory presented in Muller v. Oregon saying that
Muller v. Oregon
A supreme court decision to cut woman's working hours because they were weaker and needed it.
From William James, it stated that truth worked for the individual and not in abstraction, but in action.
Oswald Garrison Villard
The one who called the meeting that formed the NAACP. he was also an accomplished journalist who founded the anti-imperialist league.
Underwood Tariff
An act passed that lowered tariffs 15 percent and removed duties from several consumer goods.
Meat Inspection Act
An act passed partially because of The Jungle that regulated meat packing plants and their sanitation. All of this would be done by the government.
Pure Food and Drug Act
An act passed that made government regulate all medicines that were put into
A society created by the government to examine and regulate all foods and medicines to make sure they were clean.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
An act passed that regulated labor and prohibited unfair trade practices. It gave penalties to anyone who broke it.
Mann-Elkins Act
The act that allowed the ICC to include communications regulating in its responsibilities.
“Wisconsin Idea”
The reformed by La Follette of Wisconsin that set examples of reform for times to come.
Tom Johnson
One of the reform mayors, he was from Cleveland and he held outdoor meetings, educated the citizens in taxation, and made "gas and water socialism."
Joe Cannon
A politician and union organizer who ran for president with the Socialist Party of America.
Federal Trade Commission
An organization formed in 1914 to encourage business competition
Interstate Commerce Commission
A regulatory committee that was formed to regulate railroads and other methods of interstate commerce.
Keating –Owens Act
A child labor law that was later overturned by the supreme court.
1910 midterm elections
President Taft began to solidify his position as a conservative republicans
1912 Presidential election
A presidential election where Wilson won on the democratic platform because of the split republican party.
1902 Coal Strike
A coal strike that was resolved by the president, for the first time, the president threatened to use the military to resolve it in favor of the workers.
John Dewey
An education reformer who drastically changed how children were educated.
Robert LaFollette – “Wisconsin Idea”
LaFollette was the progressive governor of Wisconsin, and over six years his plans went over as the "Wisconsin Idea."
Thorstein Veblen
The author and sociologist who wrote "the theory of the leisure class."
Dr. Alice Hamilton
The first woman appointed at Harvard and the woman who examined occupational health, or the effects of certain jobs on the health of the workers.