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19 Cards in this Set

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Peripheral veins return deoxygenated blood back where?

To the right atrium

What are the three systems of the venous system?

The deep system, the superficial system, and the perforators

What does the deep system do?

The deep system drains the muscular compartments and the superficial system via the perforator veins

What's the superficial system do?

The superficial system drains the skin and subcutaneous tissues into the deep system

What do perforator veins do?

They perforate the fascia and connect the deep and superficial system

Describe Venae comitantes

A pair of veins that is accompanied with an artery

Gastrocnemius veins

Paired set of veins within accompanying artery traveling within the gastrocnemius muscle of the calf

Soleal vein

Single veins within the soleus muscle that drained the calves. Not always seen when empty

May-Thurner syndrome /Iliac compression syndrome**

Extrinsic compression of the left common iliac vein by the right CIA and the spine

Increasing incidence of DVT and venous insufficiency of the left leg

Location of perforators of the femoral canal formerly Dodd?**

Perforators located in the distal thigh

Location of peritibial perforators formerly Boyd, Sherman**

The upper calf

Location of posterior tibial perforators formerly Cockett**

The mid to lower calf

Medial ankle perforators**

Located at the medial ankle

The superior vena cava is formed by the confluence of the?

By the confluence of the left and right and innominate veins. Terminating at the right atrium.

The portal vein this formed by the confluence of the?**

Confluence of the splenic and superior mesenteric veins

How much blood flow is carried into the liver by the portal vein?

Approximately 80%

Compared to arteries, what layer of the vein is very thin?

The turnica media. The central layer of veins is smaller than an arteries

What is the thickest layer of veins?

The turnica adventitia/externa, it is the thickest layer with collagen as its major component.

What veins in the body do not have valves?*""

The superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, innominate vein, soleal veins/sinuses/ intracranial sinuses