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30 Cards in this Set

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or the transition from wartime to peacetime production levels, caused social and economic strain
Seattle general strike
some 60,000 workers left their jobs to participate in the strike, which was extremely well organized
Boston police strike
further inflamed antilabor sentiments
United Mine Workers Strike
miners were protesting the continued enforcement of wartime contracts that kept workers pay fixed at 1917 rates despite increases in consumer prices
John L. Lewis
the newly elected president of the UMW
Red Scare
fear that the bolshevik revolution would erupt in the United States reached its height
A. Mitchell Palmer
a bomb damaged the house of Attorney General
Palmer raids
began in November 1919 a series of raids to capture alleged radicals
Nicola Sacco
a shoemaker
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
peddled fish from a pushcart
Warren G Harding
republican leaders nominated him as a presidential candidate
Andrew Mellon
secretary of treasurer
Charles Dawes
set out to eliminate debt by slashing spending
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
republican-led congress further supported businesses
the combining of two or more companies took place in this era
American Plan
which supported union-free open shops
Equal Rights Amendment
a constitutional amendment proposed to Congress in 1923 by Alice Paul of the National Woman's Party
Mary Anderson
director of the U.S Women's Bureau, was one of the opponents of the Era who feared that the amendment would make such legislation unconstitutional
Teapot Dome scandal
the most notorious episode of corruption during the Harding administration, became news in 1924
Albert Fall
had persuaded Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby to transfer control of naval oil reserves to his department
Calvin Coolidge
immediately began working to restore the reputation of the presidency by firing many of the people involved in the scandals
Alfred E. Smith
a moderate progressive
William Joseph Simmons
a preacher of the KU Klux Klan
David Stephenson
was convicted of second-degree murder and was the leader of the KKK
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
A Philip Randolph was the founder of this in 1915
aimed to unite people of African descent worldwide
Marcus Garvey
a native of Jamaica supported the cause of black nationalism
black nationalism
aimed to create a new political state for African Americans in Africa
Universal Negro Improvement Association
hoped to foster African Americans economic independence through the establishment of black owned businesses
Immigration Act of 1924
reduced this quota of 2% of the 1890 population figures for each nationality