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24 Cards in this Set

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Trypsin and chymotrypsin break down what macromolecule?


What group of enzymes hydrolyzes nucleic acids into nucleotides?


Where does digestion begin?

Oral cavity

What prevents food from entering the trachea?


What mind of consumer might have a salad and then a steak?


Give an example of a fluid feeder


What do most vitamins function as?


What does BMR stand for?

Basal Metabolic Rate

What's the first enzyme used by the body and what does it break down?

Salivary amylase, starch

What enzyme hydrolyzes starch in disaccharides?

Pancreatic amylase

What prevents back flow of acid chyme into esophagus?

Cardiac sphincter

What name is given to the blind pouch at the beginning of the large intestine?


What feeders extract food particles from water?

Suspension feeders

What organisms use claws/tentacles to kill and eat?

Bulk feeders

What type of lipoprotein could cause vessel blockage and high blood pressure?

Low density

What's the full name of the basic energy molecule ATP?

Adenosine TriPhosphate

What 2 enzymes split off 1 amino acid at a time from opposite ends of a polypeptide?

Carboxypeptidase, aminopeptidase

Name 2 disaccharides

Sucrose, maltase, lactase

What makes and secretes enzymes and alkaline fluid into the first section of the small intestine?


Name three sections of the small intestine (in order)

Duodenum, jujunum, ileum

What do you swallow?


Of the 20 amino acids, how many must come from your diet? And what are they called?

9, essential

What standard would you want to check to determine war the minimal requirements of nutrients are?

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

What's peristalsis and what's it's function in our digestive system?

Wave-like contractions that move good along