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45 Cards in this Set

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Gilded Age
the period in American history lasting from the 1870's to the 1890's marked by political corruption and extravagant spending
political boss
powerful politician who controls work done locally and demands payoffs from businesses
process by which people vote directly on a bill
Pure Food and Drug Act
1906-- law that requires food and drug makers to list ingredients on packages
Push factor
condition that drives people from their homeland
Pull factor
condition that attracts people to move to a new area
Graduated Income Tax
tax on earnings that charges different rates for different income levels
process by which voters can remove an elected official from office
Spoils System
practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs
person who wanted to break up all trusts
Hull House
settlement house founded by Progressive reformer Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882 law that barred Chinese laborers from entering the US
election in which voters choose their party's candidate for the general election
process by which voters can put a bill directly before the state legislature
the right to vote
Ellis Island
where medical (and many others) exams took place for immigrants before entering the US
18th Amendment
a 1917 amendment to the US constitution that made it illegal to sell alcoholic drinks
19th Amendment
a 1919 amendment to the US constitution that gives women the right to vote
process of holding on to older traditions while adapting a new culture
public interest
the good of the people
protection of natural resources
journalist who exposed corruption and other problems of the late 1800's to early 1900's
Bull Moose Party
progressive republicans who supported Theodore Roosevelt during the election of 1912
16th Amendment
graduated income tax (the poor get taxed at a lower rate than the wealthy)
17th Amendment
1917 direct election of senators (state legislature used to pick senators)
Wisconsin idea
Robert la Follette (governer of Wisconsin) wanted people to participate in the government more:
primary--voters select parties candidate
initiative--voters can propose bills to the legislature
recall--voters can remove elected officials from office
referendum--voters can vote on the bill directly
Civil Service Exam
an exam you had to take before getting a job (highest score got the job)
government agency organized to oversee railroad commerce
campaign against alcohol consumption
Lincoln Steffens
wrote The Shame Of The Cities---exposed corruption of political bosses
Thomas Nast
political cartoons of Boss Tweed (famous for)
Ida Tarbell
wrote about Standard Oil--proved that it never played fair (wrote in magazines and newspapers)
Upton Sinclair
wrote The Jungle about labor in meat packaging and also the meat (GROSS)
Robert la Follette
came up with the Wisconsin idea (governor of Wisconsin)--wanted people to participate more in the government
Jane Addams
opened settlement house in chicago (Hull House)
John D. Rockefeller
billionaire owning all of Standard Oil
Theodore Roosevelt
wanted everyone to have the same opportunity to be successful--president twice (first time because pres. got shot--he was VP and became pres.)
William Howard Taft
president in 1908 and favored graduated income tax, approved new safety rules for mines, and signed laws giving government workers and 8 hr work day
Woodrow Wilson
(Progressive) won election of 1912 against Taft and Roosevelt
Alice Paul
a suffragist for women's rights
WEB DuBois
(African American) agreed with Booker T. Washington about "thrift, patience, and industrial training" for Af. Am.'s to be equal but urged Af. Am.'s to fight against discrimination instead of patiently waiting
William McKinley
President before Roosevelt (got shot and then Roosevelt became president since he was VP)
William Jennings Bryan
Powerful speech maker but nothing more than that
Boss Tweed
political boss who stole a lot of money from people