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22 Cards in this Set

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Not getting involved with other countries buissness
Building empires by imposing outside rule on peoples around the world
Manifest Destiny
People believed that the U.S's destiny was to have land from one side of the continent to the other (sea to shining sea)
Shere of Influence
An area of one nation where another nation had special economic and political control
"Steward's Folly"
Mean name given to William Steward for purchasing Alaska because it was "worthless" until gold and oil were discovered there
Open Door Policy
1899- Policy proposed by U.S. to allow any nation to be allowed to trade in any other nation's sphere of influence in China
Blocked out the rest of the world for 250 years until in 1853 Commodore Matthew Perry came and asked them to open for trade, Japan signed the treaty in 1854
Russian colony purchased by the United States as way to trade better with parts of Asia
U.S. Marines (along with rich plantation owners) helped overthrow their Queen in 1893
Country in Asia that the U.S. purchased Alaska from
The U.S. didn't want to be left out of trade with China so in 1899 the Secretary of State proposed the Open Door Policy which meant every country had equal trade with them
Annexation of Hawaii
The U.S. helped overthrow their Queen in 1893 and it was added as a state in 1898
Purchase of Alaska
Purchased for $7.2 million by Secretary of State, William Steward, seen as a mistake until gold and oil were found there
Boxer Rebellion
A rebellion in China agaisnt foreigners crushed by U.S. troops
President Millard Fillmore
Only president for 3 years 1850-1853, just when the U.S. started getting interested in world affairs
Commodore Matthew Perry
The person who traveled to Japan with powerful ships and guns to demand trade
Secretary of State William Steward
The person who purchased Alaska from Russia without asking anyone
Queen Liliuokalani
Queen of Hawaii until she was overthrown in 1893
President Grover Cleveland
1885-1885 and 1893-1897 during most of the "expantionist' things that happened
President William McKinley
In office 1897-1901 (during the Spanish-American war) assinated in Buffalo 1901
Secretary of State John Hay
Proposed the Open Door Policy in 1899
People who organized a secret organization and rebelled against foreign influences