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37 Cards in this Set

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What is Imperialism?
the quest for colonial empires had led these three nations to the brick of war.
What is Henry Cabot Lodge?
is of Massachusetts explained that the United States needed to join this competition to maintain its economic and military strength.
What is Alfred Thayer Mahan?
is of the U.S. Naval War College was one particularly influential supporter.
What is Kalakaua?
(kah-lah-kah-ooh-ah), who took the throne in 1874.
What is subsidy?
a government bonus payment of two cents per pound.
Who is Liliuokalani?
In 1891 Kalakaua died, and his sister Liliuokalani (li-lee-uh-woh-kuh-lahn-ee) succeeded him.
What is spheres of influence?
Regions where a particular country has exclusive rights over mines, railroads, and trade.
Who is John Hay?
In 1899 Secretary of State John Hay called for an Open Door Policy, which would give all nations equal access to trade and investment in China.
What is Open Door Policy?
which would give all nations equal access to trade and investment in China.
What is Boxer Rebellion?
this uprising was supported by some Chinese government officials.
Who is Matthew Perry?
to persuade Japan to open its doors to trade with the west.
Who is Jose Marti?
Was born in Havana, Cuba, on January 28, 1853, Marti joined in a revolt against Cuba's Spanish rulers when he was just 15 years old.
Who is Valeriano Weyler?
In 1896 Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to put down the revolt.
Who is William Randolph Hearst?
Was no American journalist was more interested in the Cuban situation than William Randolph Hearst.
Who is William McKinley?
was a veteran of the Civil War and resisted the calls for war.
What is USS Maine?
had been sent to Havana to protect U.S. lives and property.
What is Teller Amendment?
(1898) Resolution stating that the United States did not intend to take over and annex Cuba.
Who is George Dewey?
Before war was declared, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt had cabled secret orders to Commodore George Dewey in Hong Kong.
Who Emilio Aguinaldo?
(ahg-ee-NAHL-doh) to capture the city, Dewey obtained the support of a rebel army of Filipino patriots led by Emilio Aguinaldo.
What are Rough Riders?
Composed largely of college athletes, cowboys, American Indians, and ranchers, the unit was known as the Rough Riders.
What is Philippine Government Act?
also known as the Organic Act, which established a governor and a two-house legislature to rule the Philippines.
What is the Jones Act of 1916?
granted Filipinos the right to elect both houses of their legislature.
Who is Leonard Wood?
as governor of Cuba in 1899.
What is Platt Amendment?
Congress agreed to remove U.S. troops from the island only if Cuba made Platt Amendment part of its constitution.
What is protectorate?
In effect, the Platt Amendment made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.
What is Foraker Act?
The Foraker Act of 1900 established that Puerto Rico's governor and upper house of the legislature would be appointed by the United States.
What is Philippe Bunau-Varilla?
(boo-noh-vah-ree-yah), the former chief engineer for the French canal-building attempt.
What is Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty?
gave the United States complete and unending sovereignty over a 10-mile-wide Canal Zone.
Who is Roosevelt Corollary?
Fearing that the Europeans would use force to collect the loans, he issued the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
What is dollar diplomacy?
President William Howard Tafts policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force.
Who is Porfirio Diaz?
had come to power in 1877 after Mexico had suffered almost 66 years of war and unrest.
Who is Emiliano Zapata?
led a rebel army that demanded land for the mostly American Indian peasant population.
Who is Francisco Madero?
was an unlikely candidate to unify the various opposition forces.
What is Mexican Revolution?
that toppled the Diaz dictatorship.
Who is Victoriano Huerta?
(wer-tah), seized control of the government and restored calm.
Who is Venustiano Carranza?
(bay-noos-TYAHN-oh-kahr-RAHN-sah), Franciso "Pancho" Villa, Emiliano Zapata, and Alvaro Obregon (oh-bray-GAWN) were not united.
Who is John J. Pershing?
led his forces into Chihuahua, Villa's home State.