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17 Cards in this Set

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Goal of the five year plan

Improve development of Soviet Unions economy

Command economy

A system where government makes all economic decisions

What did five year plan want to increase

Steel, oil, coal & electricity

Methods Stalin used during the Great Purge

- Directed to eliminate anyone who threatened his power

- labor camps

-questioned military members

Stalins ideas towards religion

-made them believe it was superstation


-labor camps

-destroyed places of worship

-eliminated their personal rights and freedom in favor in power of the sate

How was Stalin able to achieve total control of the population

-advanced technology


- violence

How was Lenin and Bolshevik’s view different from Marxists

Lenin and Bolshevik’s: wanted small group of committed revolutionaries

Marxists: broad base support of people

Causes of revolution of 1905

1) Japan attacks land and break agreement with Russia

2)Bloody Sunday killing many people

Outcome of Revolution of 1905

News of repeated losses led to a revolt during war

How Russia is governed after tsar steps down

Provisional government: temporary form of government. Although Soviets typically had more influence on government

Why provisional gov became unpopular

-not able to function without support of the people

-pedants wanted more land

-city workers became more radical

How Bolshevik’s took over

People started rallying “all power to the soviets” in major Russian cities

Immediate reform Lenin made after the Bolshevik takeover

-distributed farm land among peasants

- gave factory control to workers

-sent aristocrats to gulags (camps)

-signed treaty with Germany giving them land (angered Russians)

Why Britain, France, and US supported White forces

-Supports return of czar

-wanted democratic gov

-socail at who opposed Lenins socialism

War communism

-state took over private businesses

-let managers run factories (control their people)

-red guards stole extra grain

-currency becomes worthless

-city workers support Bolsheviks

-peasants are angry but can’t speak out

Why Bolshevik’s (red army) won Civil War

-controlled major cities

-used violence

-all problems could be blamed on the “whites”

How did NEP differ from Pure Communism

NEP:small scale version of communism, stands for New Economic Policy

-allows them to sell extra crops

-small factories can be owned privately