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37 Cards in this Set

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Glorious Revolution
a time in England when James III and Mary II joined monarchs in Britain.
New England colonial region
New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Rhode Island, and New Haven
The Middle Colonies
New York, East Jersey, West Jersey, Three counties of Delaware, Pennsylvania
Chesapeake colonies
Maryland and Virginia
Southern colonies
Georgia and The Carolinas
Oliver Cromwell
An English Puritan political leader that was also a general. He led the victory over King Charles in the English Civil War. He became a Lord Protector over the commonwealth
joint-stock company
business organization in which scores of people could invest without fear of bankruptcy
Richard Hakluyt
the main reason that England was pushed to keep on trying to settle the New World. He tried very hard.
the desire to have and hoard wealth, to be very greedy
Captain John Smith
one of the original settlers of Jamestown in 1607. He was taken hostage by the Powhatans, but was saved by Pocahontas
Sir John Rolfe
first successful cultivation of tobacco in Virginia, husband of Pocahontas
Sir Edwin Sandys
one of the founders of the Virginia Company of London, which established the first English settlement called Jamestown, one of the men who established the first representative assembly
Virginia Company
formed by a charter from King James, it was a joint-stock type company
a 50-acre lot for which people paid only a small annual rent
House of Burgesses
an elective representative assembly that Sandys thought could make the colony more attractive to wealthy speculators
Sir George Calvert
1st Baron Baltimore, English politician and coloniser, was a member of Parliament and Secretary of State
Lord Baltimore
held the charter for the Maryland colony
people who thought the the church and state should be separated
William Bradford
he was a Pilgrim settler, he was the second governor of the Plymouth colony
Mayflower Compact
an agreement to establish a government, signed by the Pilgrims in 1620, they had the right to make their own laws in the colony of Plymouth
Indian interpreter for the Pilgrims
Protestants that arose in England in the seventeenth century, wanted to purify the church of England by limiting all traces of Catholicism
John Winthrop
first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, he was a Puritan, he referred to the colony as the City on the Hill
a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self-governing
a person who maintains that Christians are freed from the moral law by virtue of grace as set forth in the gospel
Governor Nicolls
first governor of New York
Duke's Laws
laws that English colonists, Dutch colonists, and even Indians had to follow, they covered pretty much every aspect of living
Peter Stuyvesant
hot-tempered governor of the Dutch colony of New Netherland, English later took over and renamed it New York
George Fox
founder of the Society of Friends, or the Quakers
people who have freedom and liberty
Roger Williams
Puritan religious leader, had very strong views, he was expelled from the Massachusetts colony, and founded Rhode Island, which would tlerate all religions
Anne Hutchinson
also had some very strange views, so she was banished from Boston in 1637, and she went to Rhode Island
William Penn
founder of Pennsylvania,which was a Quaker colony, he had close relations with the Native Americans
Charter of Liberties
Henry the first bound himself to the laws in England, regarding the church officials and nobles
True and Absolute Lord Proprietors of Carolina
who they were and what they wished to do,
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
adopted in 1669, included most of the land between present-day Virginia and Florida, not popular with the settlers and was largely abandoned
James Oglethorpe
founder of Georgia, hoped to resettle Britain's poor in the New World