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33 Cards in this Set

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Glorious Revolution
The overthrow of King James II in England by a union of Parliamentarians (1688).
Colionial Regions- New England, Middle, Chesapeake, Southern
The primary locations in which Europeans settled in North America.
Oliver Cromwell
English political leader who is known best for his overthrow of the monarchy, while temporarily tuning England into a Commonwealth.
Joint-Stock Company
A type of business involving two or more individuals that own shares of stock in the company.
Richard Hakluyt
An English writer who promoted the settlement of the New World.
An insatiable greed for riches and wealth.
Captain John Smith
Remembered for his role in establishing the settlement Jamestown.
Sir John Rolfe
Credited with the first cultivation of tobacco in the New World- husband of Pocahantes.
Sir Edwin Sandys
One of the founders of the Virginia Company.
Virginia Company
A pair of joint-stock companies that served the purpose of settling the East Coast of North America.
A legal grant of land to settlers.
House of Burgesses
A legislative body that ewas created by colonists in Jamestown.
Sir George Calvert/ Lord Baltimore
Secretary of State under King James I- publicly declared his faithfulness to Catholicism.
Those who believe in concepts other than the accepted ideas in a specific culture.
William Bradford
The leader of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
Mayflower Compact
The first governing document of the Plymouth colony, written by the Pilgrims.
A Native American who assisted the Pilgrims and helped them survive at Plymouth.
A group of English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries.
John Winthrop
A Puritan merchant who obtained a charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony from King Charles I.
A system in which every church is independent in a local setting.
A religion in which individuals consider existing laws as no longer applicable to themselves.
Governor Nicolls
The first British governor of the province of New York.
Duke's Laws
A set of guidelines that were laid out in colonial Long Island.
Peter Stuyvesant
The last general of New Netherland.
George Fox
The founder of the religious group, Quakers.
Those persons in colonial times who were not under restraint, hence the name "Freemen."
Roger Williams
An English theologian who believed in separatism- founded Rhode Island.
Anne Hutchinson
A Puritan in colonial Massachusetts who led a dissident church reform group- was exiled for her beliefs.
William Penn
Founder and proprietor of Pennsylvania.
Charter of Liberties
Document signed by William Penn in 1701 that established a unicameral legislature in Pennsylvania- used until American Revolution.
True/ Absolute Lord Proprietors of Carolina
A group of men in the Carolinas who divided the land into three regions, each a different jurisdiction.
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
Adopted in 1669 by the eight Lords Proprietors of Carolina.
James Oglethorpe
British general who founded Georgia.