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9 Cards in this Set

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what is a mixture?
a mixture is a physical blend of two or more substances. An important characteristic of mixtures is that their compositions may vary. example the air in a forest may differ from the ar in an industrial city, particularly in the amounts of pollutants.
what are the two categories of mixtures?
Mixtures can be heterogenous or homogeneous?
what is a heterogeneous mixture?
A heterogeneous mixture is one that is not uniformin composition. if you were to sample one portion of such a mixture , its composition would be different.
What is a homogeneous mixture?
A homogeneous mixture is one that has a completely uniform composition. It's components are evenly distributed throughout the sample. Saltwater is an example. Homogeneous mixtures are very important in chemistry. They are called solutions.
What is a solution?
a solution is a homogeneous mixture.
what are some common types of solutions? Name by system and examples.
System Gas-gas carbon Dioxide and oxygen in nitrogen (air) system; Liquid-gas water vaporin air (moist air); gas-liquid Carbon dioxide in water (soda water); liquid-liquid acetic acid in water (vinegar); Solid-liquid Sodium chloride in water (brine); solid-solid Copper in silver (sterling silver, an alloy)
any part of a system with uniform composition and properties is called a phase. A hogeneous mixture has a single phase. a heterogeneous mixture has two or more phases.
Describe ways in which various components of amixture can be seperated.
Magnets- used to seperate iron fillings and sulfur
what is distillation and give an example.
distillation is the process in which a liquid is boiled toproduce a vapor that is then condensed back inta a liquid.