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35 Cards in this Set

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representative democracy
voters elect who will represent them in governmental bodies
direct democracy
Athens, every citizen vote on law
people proposal and get signatures and send it to congress
political system without a monarch
popular soveriegnty
people have political power
elite theory
no matter, small group will do what they want to do
different interest groups argue for diff things
mayflower compact
live under recognized authority and wait for a royal charter similar to virginias (Mass)
Sugar Act (1764)
ta designed to help pay the costs of the French and Indian War
Stamp act
tax paper goods, newspapers, marriage announcements, playing cards, and so on
Townshend Acts (1767)
taxed goods directly imported from England, such as tea
Coercive acts, intolerable acts (1774)
greater british control after Boston Tea party
Magna Carta
13th century English nobles put some limits on monarch's power
American Bill of Rights
first 10 amendments
First Continental Congress
1774, sept-oct,
Second Continental Congress
1775, Articles of Confederation
elastic clause
necessary and proper clause for congress to make laws for carrying out powers
McCulloch v. Maryland
national supremacy, establish national back, fed law over state law (taxes)
two bodies, House and Senate, same power
admisnistrative discretion
FCC, superbowl adds, bear breasted singer, DepVA train dogs they see fit
Rules Committee
determines length of debate that will be allowed on the bill and the kind of amendments offered.
talk so long to expire a bill, Strom Thurmond, Rep South Carolina talk for 24 hrs. Now have CLoture gets signed to limit one hour
Veto may be overridden by ....
2/3 majority in both houses
pork barrel spending
special attachments to bills put in by congressmen for their districts
senate - yrs election
house rep- yrs elected
senate - 6
house rep - 2
intentional rigging of districts to favor one or another party
Voting Rights Act 1982
drawing districts to increase number of minorities in congress
franking privileges
congressmen deliver mail at government expense (incumbents)
every 10 yrs for house porportionate
descriptive representation
belief that congress should resemble the nation in terms of gender and enthnicity
Speaker of the House
majority leader, whip - keeps votes
like indictment - not auto guilty
2 pres that were impeached
Andrew Johnson - 1868
Richard Nixon - break in WaterGate Demo hotel
Compromise of 1820 (________ Compromise)
Missouri Compromise, senator's two every state
17 Amendment
direct election of senators