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34 Cards in this Set

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The word feeman was extened to all adult men who were part of the congregational church.
Roger Williams
He was a separatist. He questioned the kings charter because the land was not first purchased form the indians. The magistrates tried to reason with his demands, but he would not compromise, they banished him from the colony, he founded rhode island.
Sir George Calvert and later Lord Baltimore
The driving force behind the founding of Maryland. He was Catholic, and the king’s secretary of state. First he sponsored a colony of the coast of Newfoundland but after visiting he decided no one would want to live there. Eventually gets 6 million acres in Maryland and has total authority over anyone living there, using a feudal system.
People who believed the England Church had too many traces of its Catholic origin. They left the state church, and England made all citizens attend service, so they moved to Holland instead of compromising. Some separatists feared children were becoming too Dutch, so vowed to move to America.
William Bradford
Among the separatists that moved to America; wrote one of the first accounts of an early American settlement, called Of Plymouth Plantation. Eventually, elected as a governor.
Mayflower Compact
An agreement signed by 41 men to combine themselves together into a civil body.
A Patuxt Indian who welcomed the first pilgrims in excellent English. In 1614 he was captured by adventurers and sold as a slave, but he escaped and traveled to London where he was taught to speak English. Traveled back to America and taught the pilgrims about hunting and agriculture.
Pointed out civil imperfections and urged everyone to try to fulfill the commands of Scripture. They were products of the Protestant Reformation. They sparked the English Civil War which generated bold new thinking about republican government and popular sovereignty. Believed in Calvinist notion but looked for hints that they were on God’s elect.
John Winthrop
He was a Puritan. In 1629, Winthrop and associates signed the Cambridge Agreement, which said they would venture out to Massachusetts Bay Company. They sailed out and became a Puritan colony with Winthrop as their governor.
A form of church government system where each village was independent of outside interference. It was used by the Bay Colonists.
Religious ideas of Anne Hutchinson. It was very confusing, and when asked to explain she stated she experienced divine inspiration from the Bible or the clergy. Teachings invited civil and religious anarchy.
Governor Nicolls
Drew up a legal code in 1665 known as Duke’s Law. Allowed migrants from New England to take up farms west of the Hudson River. Promised the settlers an opportunity to establish an elected assembly, a headright system, and liberty of conscience. This created chaos because the duke gave the land to two people.
James Orlethorpe
A brittish general and a menber of parliment. HE tried but failed to capture the spanish fortress in St. Augustine. THe colony existence was because of Orlethorpe.
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
Cooper adn Locke devised the writtings. Created a local aristocracy of proprietors and lesser nobles called landgraves and cassiques. Thought this created a balenced goverment.
True and Absolute Lord Proprietors of Carolina
John Colleton and eight coutiers called themselves this. The king granted them a charter to the territory between virgina and flordia.
Charter of Liberties
Penn signed the charter of liberties a new frame of goverment that established a unicameral or one house leislature. The charter provided political seperation from the toher three counties.
William Penn
Penn was the leader of the Quakers. He st up Pennsylvania he had the holy experiment and he waned everyone to be the same and simple. He signed the charter of liberties. He recruited people to join him. He made a profit off of wheat.
Anne Huchinson
She thought no one should obey man made laws. They saw her as a threat to society and sent her to Rhode island
George Fox
A shoe maker with a powerful religious message. A quaker who told everyone they could be saved if they looked deep enough. He had many followers. He thought everyone was equal in the eyes of god. They put him and many of his followers in jail and many of the people wanted them to die. The puritan magistrate in Massachusetts bay.
Peter Stuyustant
Urged the settlers to resist giving up to the English. None of them obeyed.
Dukes laws
Guaranteed religious toleration and a local government. Drawn up by Governor Nicolls.It had no elected assembly and it disappointed the puritans.
Captain John Smith
the man often known for saving the Virginia colonies by becoming a strict leader and making the colonists work in order to survive
Sir John Rolfe
experimented with tobacco in the Virginia colonies and discovered that it could be a very valuable export for them; married Pocahontas
Sir Edward Sandys
encouraged private investors to develop their own estates in Virginia and led a group of stockholders to take interest in the new colony; encouraged the selling of tobacco in Virginia
Virginia Company
a pair of joint stock companies that wished to establish settlements on the coast of North America
a method of distributing land in which colonists who covered their own transportation cost to America received a 50 acre lot that they only had to pay a small rent for. This also applied for each slave the colonist brought with them.
House of Burgesses
first convened in 1619, it gave wealthy planters a voice in government
Glorious Revolution
occured in 1688 when King James II of England was overthrown by a union of members of Parliment (and those who supported the Parliment) and William the III of Orange (later William of Orange); altered course of political history in England
Coloniol Regions-New England, Middle, Chesapeake, Southern
Chesapeake--settled by Engalnd in hopes of finding economic prosperity.
New England--people seeking religious freedom from the Church of England
Middle--many different settlers, so many different reasons for settling, but this resulted in cultural diversity which greatly shaped religion, economics, and politics
Southern--formed origianally as repayment for court favorites who had followed the Stuarts to exile, but eventually became center for slavery and tobacco trade
Oliver Cromwell
an English military and political leader best known for overthrowing the English monarchy
Joint-stock company
a business organization in which lots of people could invest without fear of bankruptcy; Virginia Company was a joint stock company
Richard Hakluyt
encouraged England to settle the New World and argued the economic potential in had
excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain; made problems worse when colonists were settling in Virginia because they were all looking to become rich instead of trying to make their colony survive