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68 Cards in this Set

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John Smith
Captain John Smith was an adventurer and soldier who sailed from england to Virginia in December 19, 1606 to April 26, 1607
Jamestown was founded by John Smith in May 24, 1607
Stock Joint Company
A joint stock company is financed with capital invested by the members or stockholder who receive transferable shares.
Indentured servant
Adult white persons who were bound to labor for a period of years.
The Incas were a civilization in South America whose empire lasted from 1438 to 1533. Their land was conquered by the Spanish Conquistadores while they had a civil war.
The Mayas were a civilization located in the Yucatan peninsula and parts of Middle America. Their civilization lasted from 1800 B.C. to 1697 A.D. They were famous for making mathematical and astronomical systems.
The Aztecs were a civilization located in middle Mexico. They made a calendar that dates up to 2012.
Chaco Canyon
The Chaco Canyon is located in the San Juan basin of New Mexico. The Anasazi inhabited that area in the mid-7th century.
Woodland Indians
From before 1000 B.C. and 1000 D.C. North America was inhabited by prehistoric Natives of the woodland area.
Agriculture (NATIVES)
The Native Americans came up with crop rotation.
Mobile Societies
A mobile society creates a part of its wealth from processes that do not depend on the territory.
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson was the first European to land in North America.
Prince Henry the Navigator
Henry the Navigator began the European Worldwide Exploration and maritime trade.
Christopher Columbus
An Italian Explorer who was funded by Isabella 1 of Castile. Columbus tried to reach China by going west instead of going east, instead he got to North America.
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan captained the first circumnavigation expedition.
The Conquistadors
The Conquistadors were Spanish and Portuguese soldiers who defeated the Latin American Empire.
Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec empire.
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro was a Portuguese conquistador who conquered the Inca empire.
Ordinance of discovery (Aztec)
The ordinance kept track of all political and economic life in the New World.
Catholic Missionaries (Natives)
Catholic missionaries represented an important form of contact between Natives and Europeans from the 1500's to the 1900's.
St. Augustine 1565
St. Augustine is the oldest European settlement. St. Augustine was founded forty-two years before the English colony at Jamestown, Virginia and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
An Ecomienda is a labor system that was employed by the Spanish crown during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Philippines.
Pueblo Revolt
The Pueblo Revolt was an uprising of many pueblos of the Pueblo People against Spanish Colonization of the Americas in the New Spain Province of New Mexico.
Mestizo is a Spanish term that was used during the Spanish colonial period in Latin America to refer to people of mixed European and Amerindian Ancestry.
John Cabot
John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of North America is commonly held to be the first European Voyage to the continent since Norse exploration of the Americas in the early eleventh century.
Richard Hakluyt
Richard Hakluyt was an English writer. He was famous for promoting and supporting the settlement of North America through his books.
Doctrine of Predestination
The Calvinistic doctrine of predestination is a doctrine of Calvinism which deals with the question of the control God exercises over the world.
The English Reformation
The English Reformation was the series of events in 16th-century England by which the Church of England first broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.
John Calvin
John Calvin was an influential French theologian and pastor during the protestant reformation. He was the main person who created the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism.
Puritan Separatists
the separatists didn't recognize the established church, doubted that the church of England's administrations were valid.
Elizabeth the I
Elizabeth the I was Queen of England and Queen of Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death.
Coureurs De Bois
A Courer De Bois was an individual who engaged in the fur trade without permission from the French authorities.
New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam as a 17th-century Dutch colonial settlement that was capital of the New Netherlands, later became New York.
West India Company
There were four West India Companies: the Dutch, French, Danish, and Swedish West India Company.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Walter Raleigh was an English aristocrat, writer, poet, soldier, courtier, spy and explorer who popularized tobacco in Emgland.
The Roanoke Colony was an enterprise financed and organized by Sir Walter Raleigh.
James I
James I became King of Scots on the 24th of July, 1567, when he was just thirteen months old, he succeeded his mother, Mary, Queen of the Scots.
Lord De La Warr
Was The English founder of Virginia. He became member of the Virginia Company after serving under the Earl of Essex in the Netherlands And Ireland.
Tobacco became increasingly popular with the arrival of the Europeans by whom it was heavily traded.
The Virginia Company
he Virginia Company refers collectively to a pair of English joint stock companies chartered by James I on 10 April 1606.
Headright Systems
he headright system was used in Jamestown, Virginia, starting in 1618 as an attempt to solve labor shortages due to the advent of the tobacco economy, which required large plots of land with many workers.
The Powhatans are a tribe in Virginia.They were also known as Virginia Algonquians, as they spoke an eastern - Algonquian language known as Powhatan.
Proprietary Rule
Any of certain early North American colonies, such as Carolina and Pennsylvania, organized in the 17th century in territories granted by the English Crown to one or more proprietors who had full governing rights.
Toleration Act
Act of the British Parliament that granted freedom of worship to Nonconformists, allowing them their own places of worship and their own teachers and preachers.
Bacon’s Rebellion
Bacon's Rebellion was an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony, led by Nathaniel Bacon, a wealthy planter.
Plymouth Plantation
Agriculture also made up an important part of the Plymouth economy. They planted maize, squash, pumpkins, beans, and potatoes
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony.It was written by the pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the Mayflower.
William Bradford
William Bradford was an English leader of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, and was elected thirty times to be the Governor after John Carver died.
Colonial Currency
American colonial currency began in the late 17th century. It was the first paper money used in the Western Hemisphere.
John Winthrop
John Winthrop obtained a royal charter, along with other wealthy Puritans, from King Charles I for the Massachusetts Bay Company and led a group of English Puritans to the New World in 1630.
Theocratic Society
A Theocratic Society is a society where its civil leader is god.
Roger Williams
Roger Williams was an American Protestant theologian, and the first American proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state.
Anne Hutchinson
Anne Hutchinson was a pioneer settler in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Netherlands and the unauthorized minister of a dissident church discussion group.
Pequot War
The Pequot War was a conflict in 1634 - 1638 between an alliance of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies with Native American allies against the Pequot tribe
King Philip's War
King Philip's War was a conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day southern New England and English colonists and their Native American allies in 1675 - 1676.
The Narragansetts
The Narragansett tribe are an Algonquian Native American tribe from Rhode Island.
English Civil War
The English Civil War was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians and Royalists
Middle Colonies
The Middle Colonies produced the region's grain, wheat, and oats. This area was part of the New Netherlands until the British exerted control over the region.
The Society of Friends was the most enduring of several religious groups to emerge out of the social and religious turmoil of the English Puritan Revolution.
William Penn
William Penn was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, and founder and "absolute proprietor" of the Province of Pennsylvania, later a state of the United States
Charter of Liberties
The Charter Of Liberties was a written proclamation by Henry I of England, issued upon his accession to the throne in 1100.
Black Codes
he Black Codes were laws passed on the state and local level in the United States, but mostly in the south, to limit the basic human rights and civil liberties of African Americans.
Holy Experiment
The Holy Experiment was an attempt by the Quakers to establish a community for themselves in Pennsylvania.
James Oglethorpe
James Oglethorpewas a British general, a philanthropist, and was the founder of the colony of Georgia.
Mercantilism was the theory of trade Created by the major European powers from roughly 1500 to 1800.
The Navigation Acts
The Navigation Acts were efforts to put the theory of mercantilism into effect. In1650, the parliament tried to fight off the rapidly growing Dutch carrying trade.
Sir Edmond Andros
Sir Edmund Andros was a British colonial Administrator. He was a governor in America.
The Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution was the overthrow of King James II.