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29 Cards in this Set

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Develop 4 every job a science that includes rules of motion, standardized work tools and proper work conditions

4 Guiding Principles (Taylor) Scientific Management

Select workers with the right abilities

Train workers to do the job and give incentives 4 cooperation

4 Types of Guiding Principles (Taylor) Scientific Management

Support workers by planning their work and smoothing the way as they go about their jobs

4 Types of Guiding Principles (Taylor) Scientific Management

Science of reducing a task to its basic physical motions. e.g brick laying

Motion Study ( Taylor) Scientific Management

Specialization of work = continuous improvements in skills n methods

Each leader generates single plan and executes on their role

Division of Labour and Unity Of Direction (Fayol) Admin Principles

understanding that managers have the right to give orders

Authority (Fayol) Admin Principles

Behaviour needs 2 be grounded in obedience and derived from respect

Each employee should have only 1 manager

Discipline and Unity of command (Fayol) Admin Management

All should receive fair pay and are valuable

Clear chain of command frm top 2 bottom

Remmuneration and Scalar chain (Fayol) Admin Management

Everything should be in order

Managers should be fair and kind

Order and Equity (Fayol) Admin Management

Unnessessary turnovers should be avoided

Managers should overtake work w/ energy

Personal Tenures and Initiative (Fayol) Admin Management

Managers should build harmony with personnel

Espirit de corps (Fayol) Admin Management

Mechanisms where ppl could combine talents 4 the greater good

Follet's view on orgs (Follet) Orgs as Comms

Manager's Job is to help people cooperate with each other

(Follet) Orgs as Comms

We pursue the same issues via managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility

Application of Follet's work (Follet)Orgs as Comms

Initially to study individual productivity w/ economic incentives. became about participative supervision and group atmosphere

Initial Study and Change (Mayo) Hawthorne Studies

Good human relations increases productivity

(Mayo) Hawthorne Studies

Highest lvl and need 4 self fufillment

Self actualization (Maslow) Theory of Human Needs

Need for esteem respect and recognition

Esteem Needs (Maslow) Theory of Human Needs

Need for love and attention

Social Needs (Maslow) Theory of Human Needs

need for security and protection

Safety Needs (Maslow) Theory of Human Needs

Most basic of all human needs

Physiological Needs (Maslow) Theory of Human Needs

applies math to solve problems

Management science and operations research | Quantative Analysis and tools

Collection o/ interrelated parts works to a common goal

Component of a system

System and subsystem| Quantative Analysis and tools

Helps managers understand different situations and respond in an appropriate way

Contingency Thinking | Quantative Analysis and tools

Managing org with commitment 2 continuous improvement product quality and customer needs

TQM| Quantative Analysis and tools

Set aside old thinking

Mental Models

Personal Mastery

Self aware n open 2 others

understand globalization

Global strategists

People need to be treated like adults and not be micromanaged

Theory of Adult Personality (Argyris)