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34 Cards in this Set

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The skin is composed of a ____ and an ____. The skin is an effective barrier against invading microbes because the outer layers are dead and covered in salt.

dermis, epidermis

A variety of normal ____ including Staphylococcus and ____ live on the skin surface, hair follicles, and in sweat ducts. Normal skin microbiotas are resistance to sebum and salt.

microbiota, diptheroids

____ can occur at the base of a hair follicle (called a pimple) or at the base of an eyelid (called a ____).

Folliculitis, sty

A boil or ____ results when infection spreads to surrounding tissues. When several furuncles join, a ____ is formed.

furuncle, carbuncle

Virulent Staphylococcus aureus can resist to penicillin because they produce ____.


____, also called pyoderma, is a contagious skin disease caused by Staphylococcus pyogens and Staphylococcus aureus.


____ caused by Staphylococcus pyogens results when impetigo infections spread through lymph nodes. Impetigo and Erysipelas are more common in children and in the elderly.


____ ____, commonly caused by group A Streptococcus (S. pyogens), is a painful disease characterized by flulike symptoms, digestion of connective tissue around muscles, toxemia, and often death.

Necrotizing fasciitis

____ pimples are commonly composed of dead Propionibacterium or Staphylococcus aureus bacteria combined with living leukocytes. Dead bacteria that block pores form blackheads. Cysts can rupture and form scar tissue.


Doxycycline & benzoyl peroxide are used to treat acne. In addition, a specific wavelength of ____ ____ can be used to treat acne.

blue light

Bartonella henselae is carried by cats and causes ____ ____ ____ when introduced through a scratch or bite.

cat scratch disease

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen producing ____, a blue-green pigment.


Ticks carry Rickettsia rickettsii, which causes ____, characterized by a rash, flu-like symptoms, and sometimes subcutaneous hemorrhages called ____.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), petechiae

____ ____ results when Bacillus anthracis infects a cut in the skin, producing a crusty ulcer called an ____ on the skin.

Cutaneous anthrax, eschar

____ ____ (gangrene) develops in dead tissue infected with Clostridium endospores.

Gas gangrene

Poxvirus causes smallpox, orf, cowpox, and monkeypox. Lesions progress from flat ____

to ____ ____, vesicles, and pus-filled ____ (also called ____).

macules, raised papules, pustules, pox

Smallpox virus (____ virus) exists in two strains: variola major and variola minor.


Herpesviruses cause ____ (fever blisters).


____ are growths of epithelium or mucous membranes. Common skin warts are the result of infection with papillomaviruses. Some strains of Papillomavirus are oncogenic due to their ability to integrate into the host cell DNA.

Warts (papillomas)

____ ____ are associate with cancers of mouth, anus, cervix, and penis.

Genital warts

____ ____ causes ____ (also known as ____) in children and adults and a recurrent disease, ____ (also known as herpes zoster), in adults.

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), chickenpox, varicella, shingles

____ (also called German measles or three-day measles) is caused by Rubivirus. The disease is mild in children but more serious in adults and fetuses can cause birth defect.


____ virus causes ____ (red measles), a serious, contagious childhood disease characterized by ____ in the mouth.

Measles, rubeola, Koplik's spots

Rare complications include ____ ____ ____, a slow progressive disease of the central nervous system.

subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)

Other rashes produced by viruses include ____ ____ (fifth disease), ____, and ____ ____ ____ infections, the last of which produce herpangina lesions in the mouth and throat.

erythema infectiosum, roseola, coxsackie A virus

____ ____ are fungal infections that produce the enzyme keratinase, which dissolves keratin of the hair, nails, and skin.

Superficial mycoses

Black and white ____ are infections on the hair shafts, while ____ ____ results from interference with melanin production in patches of skin.

piedra, pityriasis versicolor

Cutaneous mycoses are ____ (formerly called ringworm or tineas). These infections are caused by fungi that grow on the skin, nails, and hair and stimulate immune responses in underlying tissues.


Ascomycete fungi that infect wounds caused ____, which progressively manifests as lesions, warts, and tumors.


____ is caused by invasion of fungal spores in traumatic or surgical wounds.


Several genera of soil fungi cause invasive, tumorlike skin infections called ____.


____ (rose-gardeners’ disease) is a cutaneous or subcutaneous disease caused by inoculation with Sporothrix, often by thorn pricks from roses.


Leishmania is a parasitic protozoa transmitted to humans by sand flies. It causes ____,

a disease that can be cutaneous, mucocutaneous, or visceral.


The mite Sarcoptes scabiei causes ____, a disease of itchy blisters, often on the webbing between the fingers.
