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25 Cards in this Set

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progressive era
turn of the century reform movement dedicated to political snd social change through government action.
to change for the better. to abolish abuse or manipulate.
spoils system
giving govt jobs to political supporters and friends
pendleton act 1883
created civil cervice commissio to create tests so govt jobs will be based on merit
caused higher prices eliminated competition making
sherman anti trust act
prohibeted buisnesses fromt rying to limit or destroy competition.
writers during the Progressive Era who exposed conditions needing reform.
upton sinclair
famous muckracker
Voters select the candidate for the general election -Effort to have citizens participate more in government
gave voters the right to put a bill directly before the state legislature to vote on.
Putting a bill right on the ballot & having voters decide whether or not to vote it into law
process to remove an elected official from office
16th amendment
income tax(1913)
17th amendment
direct election of Senators by voters--expands democracy (1912)
18th amendment
Prohibition--outlawed the sale of alcohol from 1917-1932
19th amendment
granted women right to vote (1920)
individual who fought for women's right to vote
meat inspection act
law passed to inspect meat before selling
the jungle
-novel written by Upton Sinclair exposing the unsafe practices of the meat-packing industry in Chicago
pure food and drug act
result of the Jungle, forces food and drug products to have labels listing dietary content
ban of alcohol
civil service
Name given to government jobs, except the military and elected office.
graduated income tax
A system of taxation in which persons or corporations are assessed at a greater percentage of their income according to the theoretical ability to pay.
william "boss" tweed
NYC political boss-cheated NY out of almost $200 million during 1860-70's-Imprisoned for his crimes-Controlled jobs, newspapers, courts, fixed elections
the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.