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94 Cards in this Set

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From the lungs, O2 rich blood goes to the ______?
Answer:Left atrium
From the left atrium, blood goes to the ______?
Answer: Left ventricle
From the left ventricle, blood goes the ______?
Answer: Systemic arteries
From the systemic arteries, the blood goes to the body, then to the _______?
Answer: Systemic veins
From the systemic veins, the blood goes to the ________?
Answer: Right Atrium
From the right atrium, the blood goes to the ______?
Answer: Right ventricle
From the right ventricle, the blood goes to the ______?
Answer: Pulmonary arteries
From the pulmonary arteries, the blood goes to the ________?
Answer: Lungs
Three typical structures found in the heart wall?
Answer: Intercalated discs, Nucelus, Cardiac myofibril
What is the cell junction that keeps cells from separating during contraction called?
Answer: Desmosone
What is the passageway that allows ions to pass freely?
Answer: Gap junctions
What sets pace for entire pacemaker?
Answer: SA node
What is the only electrical connection between the atria and ventricle called?
Answer: AV bundle
The path is from SA node to _______ to AV Node to _______ to bundle branches and finally to ______?
Answer: internodal pathway, AV Bundle, Purkinje fibers
What does the P wave represent?
Answer: Atrial depolarization
What does the QRX complex represent?
Answer: Ventricular depolarization
What does the T wave represent?
Answer: ventricular RE-polarization
What is a rapid sequence of electrical charges including depolarization followed by repolarization that once initiated, is self generating?
Answer: Action Potential
The sodium and calcium channels allow ions to _____ while the potassium allow ions to _____?
Answer: enter, exit
First sodium ions enter the cell, and after reaching the threshold, these ions come in changing it from negative to positive?
Answer: calcium
As repolarization occurs, sodium is pumped ____, and potassium pumped ____while calcium is actively is actively transported out?
Answer: out, in
What stores calcium in the contracile cells?
Answer: Sacroplasmic Reticulum (SR)
What is responsible for muscle contraction within the cell?
Answer: Myofilaments
What are the three phases of action potential?
1) Depolarization
2) Plateau
3) Repolarization
The entry of positive ions brings the membrane to potential and initiates what?
Answer: Depolarization
In the contractile cell, it is _____ ions that results in depolarization and not ______ ions? (this is opposite compared to the autorhythmic cell)
Answer: sodium, calcium
The phases of the cardiac cycle are?
Answer: Ventricular Filling, Ventricular Systole, Isovolumetric Relaxation
What is the contraction of the ventricles called?
Answer: Systole
What is the relaxation of the ventricles called?
Answer: Diastole
Blood flows passively into the atria through open AV valves and into the ventricles and is called?
Answer: Ventricular Filling
When the ventricles contract, AV valves close, and briefly ventricle valves are closed, and then blood is ejected is called what?
Answer: Ventricular Systole
Ventricles relax, blood backflows, closing semilunar valves - ventricles are totally closed off is what phase?
Answer: Isovolumetric Relaxation
(T or F) Both Atria contract at the same time and the ventricles contract at the same time.
Answer: True.
What is the amount of blood pumped out by EACH ventricle in one minute? (and what is the equation?)
Answer: Cardiac Output
CO=heart rate x stroke volume
The number of times the heart beats per minute is called?
Answer: Heart rate
The amount of blood pumped by EACH ventricle with each heartbeat is called?
Answer: Stroke Volume
(each ventricle average 70ml EACH)
Answer: stroke volume=end diastole MINUS end systole
(ie. 120-50=70ml)
What is a key factor in an increase/decrease in regulation of heart rate?
Answer: Sympathetic(increases) or Parasympathetic (decreases)
What effect does acetylcholine have on the heart? what about epinephrine?
Answer: Reduces heart rate, increases heart rate
What is the key factor regulating stroke volume?
Answer: amount of stretching that occurs prior to contraction.
If you lost a large amount of blood, what would happen?
Answer: Heart rate would increase BUT volume decrease.
Blood vessels are composed of 3 distinct layers which are?
Tunica Intima (endothelium)
Tunica Media (smooth muscle)
Tunica Externa (fibers)
How do Arteries, veins, and capillaries differ?
Answer: Arteries=big Media, Veins=big externa, Capillaries=only Intima!
What are the three groups of arteries?
Answer: elastic, muscular, arterioles
What arteries are closest to the heart and have the greatest amount of elastin?
Answer: Elastic Arteries
What experiences the greatest change in pressure?
Answer: Aortic arteries
Which has less elastin? Elastic or muscular arteries?
Answer: muscular
What are the smallest arteries?
Answer: arterioles
Where does the steepest drop in pressure as well as the greatest resistance to blood flow occur in?
Answer: arterioles
What is a short vessel that connects the terminal arteriole and postcapillary venule?
Answer: Shunt
What is a cuff of smooth muscle fiber surrounding the root of each true capillary, and acts as a valve to regulate the flow of blood?
Answer: Precapillary sphincter
What would high pressure do to capillaries?
Answer: Rupture them since they are fragile.
When capillaries unite they form?
Answer: Venules
What are hinge like flaps formed from folds of tunica intima that prevent backflow of blood to heart are what?
Answer: Venous Valves
What is the force that blood exerts against blood vessel walls is called what and measured in what?
Answer: Blood Pressure, mmHg
What is smooth, non turbulent flow of fluid which is faster in the center of a vessel and slower at the edges called?
Answer: Laminar flow
What represents the interruption of smooth flow due to brief backflow of blood that closes the aortic semilunar valve?
Answer: Dicrotic Notch
What is the difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure called?
Answer: Pulse pressure
Diastolic Pressure + 1/3 of Pulse Pressure is what?
Answer: Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) (the "average")
What does constriction of blood vessels do?
Answer: Raise blood pressure
Vessel diameter is actively regulated by _____, sympathetic nerve fibers that innervate the vessel's smooth muscle layer.
Answer: Vasomotor fibers
What three factors effect peripheral resistance?
Answer: vessel diameter, viscosity, and length
what 3 things can result in higher or lower blood pressure?
Answer: peripheral resistance, CO (cardiac output), and blood volume
What two basic mechanisms are there for regulating blood pressure?
Short term (diameter, rate, contractility)
Long term (blood volume)
What does rising blood pressure cause to occur in the body for responses?
Answer: Increased impulses to brain and stretching of baroceptors
When there is increased impulses to brain/stretching of baroreceptors, what happens next?
Answer: increased parasympathic, decreased sympathetic response
In falling blood pressure, what occurs after the baroreceptors?
Answer: decreased para, increased sympathetic response
After the para/sympathetic response in FALLING blood pressure, what happens?
Answer: Release of epinephrine/nonepinephrine, increased heart rate, vasoconstriction
What monitors alterations in blood pressure in the kidneys?
Answer: Granular cells
As renin travels through the bloodstream (from kidneys), it binds to what?
Answer: angiotensin
As angiotensis I travels through the lung capillaries, it becomes what?
Answer: angiotensin II
What does angiotensin ii stimulate?
Answer: Release of aldosterone
What is an important component of long term blood pressure regulation?
Answer: Aldosterone
This stimulates the distal convoluted tubule & collecting duct to accelerate sodium reabsorption?
Answer: Aldosterone
Dehydration due to sweating, diarrhea, excessive urine will cause an increase in what?
Answer: Osmolarity (and decrease in blood volume and pressure)
When an increase in osmolarity is detected, the hypothalumus tells the pituitary to release what?
Answer: ADH (antidiuretic)
What is a short term effect of osmolarity?
Answer: thirst, makes us want to drink water
What is the process by which organs and tissues self-regulate blood delivery?
Answer: Autoregulation
As long as ________ is normal, various organs/tissues can regulate the amount of blood that enters them according to needs?
Answer: Mean arterial pressure
Blood flow regulation occurs at _____ and within ______ beds?
Answer: arterioles, capillary
What is a pore in the capillary that allows for freer passage of fluids/solutes between capillaries and tissue cells?
Answer: Fenestrations
What is a gap just large enough to allow limited passage of fluids between capillaries and tissues?
Answer: Clefts
What is a small membrane-bounded sac that ferries materials through cells?
Answer: Cytoplasmic Vesicle
How do MOST solutes move across the capillary wall?
Answer: By diffusion
water soluble solutes such as amino acids/sugars diffuse through the ____ and _____?
Answer: fenestrations and clefts
What is important in determining the relative amount of fluid in blood and tissue spaces?
Answer: Bulk fluid flows
What represents the balance between hydrostatic and osmostic pressure at the capillary beds?
Answer: Fluid flows
In capillaries, hydrostatic pressure is exerted by what?
Answer: Blood (HP=blood pressure)
Hydrostatic pressure is also called what?
Answer: Filtration Pressure since it forces fluid out of capillaries
In theory, Hydostatic Pressure (HP) in the interstitial fluid opposes HP where?
Answer: tissue spaces
What is the equation for Net Hydrostatic Pressure?
Answer: Net=HP(capillaries)-HP(interstitial fluid)
What is the "pull" on water exerted by large non-diffusible solutes like proteins is called?
Answer: Osmotic Pressure (OP)
Hydrostatic pressure forces fluid _____ and osmotic pressure pulls fluid ____ capillaries.
Answer: out, into
If net HP is higher than Net OP, where does fluid go (ie: 34-22=12mmHg)
Answer: Fluid is pushed out