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32 Cards in this Set

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Describe the Election of 1840
Old Tippecanoe/War General- Fought Indians/ Figurehead/Whig
Secretary- Webster
Clay- Speaker
Tyler- Vice
Gets Pneumonia & Dies after 4 weeks
John Tyler
Harrisons Vice President
Called His Accidency
Former Jacksonian Democrat
Didnt agree with the whig party and went against them with all issues
add bank
add internal improvements
add protective tariff
Whhat does tyler do that angers the Whigs?
vetoes clays legislation for a new Bus
Problems for Tyler
he solves the border issue of canada, should he annex canada? there is controversy over the tariff bill although democrats love it, he was kicked out of his politcal party and threatened to be impeached
Why do americans love the british?
trade cotton shipping, they are getting cotton at a goos price
Why do we hate britain?
two recent wars, the british aristocracy was trashing us in pamphlets, tour guides, and books; the canadian independence movemnt
Describe the canadian independence movement
Canada wants independence from Great Britain, america supports it because the british are still a threat, they bring the carolina over with supples but it is attacked on the niagra river, we say many died and fell over the falls, it really didnt sink
Aroostook War
dispute over the borders of main/ what land was owned by what country?
Lord Ashburton
sent to the united states by england to negotiate
Ashburton - Webster Treaty
we got 7000 of the 12000 square miles of land
What did texas fear?
they were afraid they might be takenover by mexico
How did american feel about Texas?
they were hesitant to take texas, the lone star republic because they feared war with mexico, they didnt know weather itd be free or slave and the north was afraid of american expnnsion for senate
Where did texas turn?
to holland france beligium and england for negotiations in order to be protected from mexico
What is the biggest issue in the election of 1844
who ran in the election of 1844
James K Polk Democrat
Henry Clay Whig
In 1845 Tyler asked texas to be the
28th state
Why did britain want a free texas
open market, cotton land tariff free, slave free, foot in the door
Willamette River Valleystre
streghtned our hold on oregon
why does the us think it deserves oregon?
occupation and exploartion
why did the united states want oregon
fertile land, the oregon trail
what did the journey to oregon entail
Manifest destiny
it was our right to take over the contienent and spread democratic ideals, john sullivsn, it was our destiny to spread democracy westand expland american virtues as told by god
why did americans head west
manifest destiny, fertile land, gold rushrelgious freedomspanic of 1837 no land or jobsnew markets with mexico santa fe trail pacific route to asia free blacks and escaped slaves, immigrantsliving space
Polks four point plan
lower tariffs- the walker tariff lowered the tariff from 32 % to 25% and this proved good for the us
restoration of the independent treasury
aqquisition of califrnia and the oregon dispute
polk view on oregon
54 40 but we get the 49th paralllell
John Slidell
peace treaty
megotiates treaty of guadalupe hildalgo we get new mexico nevada califrnoria texas border, adds 1/3 they lose 1/2 west to oregon too new mexico territoy arizonea and utah territoy colorado for 15 milllion senate wants to know if its free or black
bearflag republic
steven kearny wins at santa fe
zachary taylor at buena vista
winfield scott at veracruz exico city
american view of mexican war
we had 13000 american causulatlies , we reached a northern border we had military success but we got a conflict over the expansion of slavery
wilmont proviso
dsvid wilmont proposes prohibiting slavery in terriotoies aqquired from miscio, brought about sectionalism
north supports
south opposes
nothing gets bassed
slave issue
wilmont proviso caused fire in the government and was the opening shots of the civil war