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33 Cards in this Set

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What is progressivism?
Reform movement of the early 1900s concerned with cursing problems of urbanization and industrialization.
What is McClure's Magazine?
Progressive magazine that exploded corruption in politics and businesses.
What are muckrakers?
Investigative journalists who wrote about corruption in business and politics, hoping to bring about reform.
Who is Lincoln Steffens?
marked the real beginning of this style of journalism.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
In November 1902 McClure's ran the first installment of "History of the Standard Oil Company" by Ida Tarbell.
What is Ray Standard Baker?
toured the nation examining the plight of African Americans.
Who is Theodore Dreiser?
depicted workers brutalized by greedy business owners.
Who is Edith Wharton?
wrote about how the closed- mindedness of elite society leads a good hearted heroine to social isolation and despair.
Who is Herbert Croly?
argued that the government should use its regulatory and taxation powers to promote the welfare of all its citizens.
Who is Florence Kelley?
Reformer Florence Kelley worked tirelessly for this case.
What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire?
Rose Schneiderman, a women's Trade Union League organizer, argued that only a strong working class movement could bring real change to the workplace. (1911) Incident that resulted in the deaths of some 140 garment workers; led to increased safety regulations for businesses.
What is freedom of contract?
is the freedom to negotiate the terms of their employment.
Who is Muller v. Oregon?
an employer challenged the 10- hour workday law that Florence Kelley had helped push through the Oregon legislature.
Who is Louis D. Brandeis?
Kelley asked Goldmark's brother- in- law, a brilliant lawyer named Louis D. Brandeis, to argue the case.
What is closed shop?
a workplace where all the employees must belong to a union.
What is a socialism?
Economic system in which the government or the workers own most factories, utilities, and transportation and communications systems.
Who is Samuel Gompers?
the AFL grew fourfold from 1900 to 1914.
What is the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU)
Influential union established in New York City in 1900 to organize workers in sewing shops.
What is open shop?
Nonunion workplace.
What is Industrial Workers of the World ( IWW)?
Founded in Chicago in 1905, the Industrial Workers of the World I(IWW) opposed capitalism.
Who is William"Big Bill" Haywood?
made claims for the working class.
What is a Lawrence Veiller?
a settlement house worker, attacked irresponsible tenement owners "who for the sake of a large profit on their investments sacrifice the health and welfare of countless thousands.
Who is Daniel Burnham?
a leading architect and city planner, produced a magnificent plan for redesigning Chicago.
What is a prohibition?
a ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages- and the closing of the nation's saloons.
What is Women's Christian Temperature Union ( WCTU)?
led the crusade against alcohol.
Who is Billy Sunday?
a former ballplayer turned Presbyterian evangelist, preached that saloons were "the parent of crimes and the mother of sins"
Who is Frances Willard?
headed the WCTU from 1879 to 1898.
What is the Eighteenth Amendment?
(1919) Constitutional amendment that barred the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages in the United States; repealed in 1933.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois( doo boys)?
one of the most influential African American leaders to emerge during this period was W.E.B. Du Bois.
What is National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP)?
an organization dedicated to ending racial discrimination.
What is National Urban League?
Group founded in 1911 to fight for racial equality.
What is Society of American Indians?
Organization formed in 1911 by middle-class American Indians to address Indian problems.
What is Americanization?
a process of preparing foreign-born residents for full U.S. citizenship.