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11 Cards in this Set

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Fort Sumter

The first battle of the Civil War. Union men held the fort in South Carolina and were put under attack after President Lincoln attempted to resupply them. General Anderson surrender after 30 hours under fire left no doubt that the war had begun.

Jefferson Davis

The president of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. Davis took charge of the Confederate war plans, but could not match the Union's power.

Robert E. Lee

A Virginian general of the Confederate Army. His decision epitomize the struggle faced by those within the border states.

Ulysses S. Grant

A Union general that successfully overtook the Western Theater. Was in command during the loss at Shiloh, the costliest battle in which Americans had ever engaged.

Battle of Antietam

The bloodiest day in American history, a battle in Maryland that resulted in an indecisive victory for both sides. General Lee attempted to take Pennsylvania and send half of troops to Virginia but the plan was discovered. McClellan failed to act in a timely manner, costing him what could have been a sure victory.

Emancipation Proclomation

Lincoln's decision to declare slaves in the Confederate states free, as a war necessity. Lincoln saw the document as necessary as it would boost northern morale and would appease public opinion.


A group of political activists from the North that believed in an anti-war style politics. They were the first to claim that the north was not going to war on the basis of uniting the country, rather to free the slaves.

Radical Republicans

a group of pre-war abolitionists that pushed for confiscation of plantations, immediate emancipation of slaves, and a more vigorous prosecution of war. However, the majority of Republicans agreed with Lincoln's approach.

13th Amendment

An amendment designed to outlaw slavery, except for when it was used as punishment for a crime. It was the first amendment to be passed after the Civil War and the first regarding slavery.

Battle of Gettysburg

In an attempt to relieve those at Vicksburg, General Lee marched at the Confederacy but lost to a formidable foe. Later at the battle ground, Lincoln would deliver his Gettysburg Address, expressing his sorrow for the war and determination to end it.


After fleeing the defeat, General Lee realized that there was nothing left for him to do but surrender. Lee met Grant at Appomattox, offering his surrender marking the end of the war.