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91 Cards in this Set

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What caused the Enlightenment?
Reason and natural laws of scientific revolution caused people to think of reason and natural laws for government and mankind, etc
What was a popular phrase for the Enlightenment?
"Dare to know"
What did Bernard de Fontenelle write?
The Plurality of Worlds
What was Fontenelle?
a popularizer
What is a popularizer?
someone who writes novels about the scientific revolution and explains the science in an non-boring/uncomplicated way; they are not actually scientists
What is a noble savage?
a man not corrupted by society
What was travel literature?
People who went to other places around the world published books talking about many different cultures
What was cultural relativism?
There are developed civilizations with different customs in other parts of the world
What did cultural relativism lead to?
religious skepticism
What did John Locke do?
He thought that people had Natural Rights (life, liberty and property) and that humans have a blank mind and they can be good people if put reason into their minds
Who were the philosophes?
intellectuals of the Enlightenment (similar to philosophers)
The philosophes thought that women should be ______ and ______.
Wives; mothers
What country was the cultural center of the Enlightenment?
Why didn't the philosophes want democracy?
Did trust lower classes and didn't want them to vote
Where was the capital of the philosophes and the Enlightenment?
Paris, France
Philosophes wanted to apply _______ to everything.
Which person had most of the French Enlightenment in his work?
What were the three basic kinds of govenments that Montesquieu said there were?
republics, monarchy and absolute power
What did Montesquieu propose and how was his idea supposed to work?
3 branches of gov - executive, legislative, judicial(separation of powers); by checks and balances
What is the Montesquieu memory technique?
Montesquieu, three branches of goverment for me and you.
Why was Voltaire exiled from France?
He got into a fight with a noble.
Where was Voltaire exiled to?
What did Voltaire like in England?
Its freedom of the press, political freedom and religious toleration
What did Voltaire criticize France about?
Didn't like absolutism, no religious toleration and no freedom of thought
Voltaire didn't like the ______ church.
Voltaire did not like deism? (T of F)
False, he did like deism
What was the main thing Volaire wanted?
Religious toleration
What is deism?
Based on Newtonian world-machine; God is the mechanic, created to universe and allowed it to run with natural laws; God doesn't answer prayers or extend grace
Who put together the Encyclopedia?
What did the Encyclopedia have in it?
All the knowledge of the time
What did the Encyclopedia attack?
What is laissez-faire?
"to let do," government should not interfere with economics
Laissez-faire was the opposite of _______ and foundation for _______.
mercantilism; capitalism
What famous person followed laissez-faire?
Adam Smith
What did Adam Smith like and dislike?
like - free trade
dislike - mercantilism
Adam Smith thought that wealth came from ______ and not from _____ and ______.
What 3 things did Adam Smith think that the government should do?
1) Have army to protect 2) Have police to defend people from injustice 3) Keep up public works like roads/canals
D'Hollback believed in ________ and ________.
atheism; materialism
D'Hollback thought that everything in universe was _____ in ______; humans were _______; people only need _______.
matter; motion
What did Rosseau write?
The Social Contract
Rosseau thought that women should be?
wives and mothers
What did Rosseau think?
Society should be governed by its general will (best for all is best for each individual)
What did Rosseau think there was no use of and why?
Parliament because everyone is responsible for framing the general will.
What were the names of two women who participated in the Enlightenment?
Mary Astell; Mary Wollstonecraft
What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe?
Women should have same rights as men because they have reason and Enlightenment based on reason for all human beings
Most of the philosophes were members of the.....
upper classes
What were the salons in the Enlightenment?
rooms in wealthy houses were philosophes talked about their ideas
Who ran the salons?
The philosophes viewed the women as ________.
What did the salons achieve?
The spread of Enlightenment ideas
Explain the rococo art style
emphasized grace/gentle action (softer, lighter than Baroque)
Explain the art style of neoclassicism
renewal of classical style of Greece/Rome
What are style was Jacques Louis David part of?
At the beginning, what countries were the musical leaders of Europe?
Italy and Germany
What were two popular music styles?
Baroque and classical music
What two musicians were part of Baroque music?
Bach and Handel
What two musicians were part of classical music?
Haydn and Mozart
What did the introduction of classical music cause?
The musical center to shift to Austria
Why did people write music?
To glorify God
Who supported the musicians?
Patrons - paid them for the music they wrote
What two major things further developed?
The novel and the writing of history
Novels were aimed toward.....
What was different about the history writing of the Enlightenment?
Removal of God and concentration on events in natural world
Who made large contributions to the writing of history?
Edward Gibbon
Did literary rates increase or decrease during the Enlightenment?
What reading device developed in England?
What other reading device developed?
What was popular culture?
The lives and social activites of most of the people at the time
What was high culture?
World of educated and wealthy ruling classes
What was the most popular social gathering for the lower classes?
What was carnival the opposite of?
What was Lent?
40 days of fasting and prayer to get ready for Easter
Was there a split between the rich and the poor?
What was the Institutional Church?
Organized church/structure; takes God out of the picture
Was the church still the center of life for most people?
Why does the pope lose some power?
Secular rulers appoint church people
What happened to the Jesuits?
They were expelled because they had too much power
What were pograms?
taxes on Jews
What happened to the Jews?
They were taxed, their settlements were burned and some were killed
What is the start of religious revivals called?
The Great Awakening
What did people want that started the religious revivals?
a deeper, more personal relationship with God
The people who started the religious revivals thought that God could not be....
proven through rationalism (response to philosophes)
What was the Catholic piety like in the Enlightenment?
There were still external forms of devotion; church was important part of life
What was pietism?
the response to the deeper devotion to God
Who led the Moravian Brethren and what did they believe in?
Nikolaus von Zizendorf; personal experience with God is true religious experience
Where did pietism start?
Who was John Wesley?
an Anglican minister who said that people could get salvation by experiencing God
What were the societies following John Wesley's religion called?
Methodist societies
What class did methodism attract?
the lower class
John Wesley wanted Methodism to be in the ______ church.
Was methodism a part of the Anglican church?