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43 Cards in this Set

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Great Plains
The region in the united States between the Mississippi river and the Rocky Mountains.
"Crowd Nobody"
The movement to get people out of New York City and migrate out to the great plains.
"Indian Country"
Lands west of the Mississippi river used as an Indian reservation.
Chivington Massacre
Also known as the Sand Creek Massacre. A battle between Iowa militia and Chief Black Kettle. The chief wanted piece, but they killed everyone.
Red Cloud
an Indian chief who fought for Indian rights even on a reservation, to his death.
Fetterman Massacre
Led by Red Cloud, the persued Sioux indians led General Fetterman into the wilderness and killed eighty two soldiers.
Buffalo Soldiers
the Ninth and Tenth cavalry of the US army, known for their horsemanship. They helped repress indian resistance
Red River War
A war between Indians and whites. The Buffalo Soldiers crushed the indians and resistance in the southwest.
Sitting Bull
A famous Medicine man of the Sioux tribe who kept resistance up for plains Indians in the north.
Crazy Horse
A Sioux Indian war chief who led the Battle at Little Bighorn.
George Armstrong Custer
a United States Colonel who rashly led his troops to Little Bighorn only to be massacred with all of his men.
7th Cavalry
the cavalry unit that pulled off the Wounded Knee massacre. Was Custer's regiment before he was killed.
Nez Perce tribe
Indian tribe in Oregon who, led by Chief Joseph, fought a battle while trying to retreat to Canada.
Chief Joseph
Nez Perce chief who led his people 1321 miles to try to get to canada and away from Government policy
A Paiute "Prophet" who had a vision about the Ghost dances and dreamed about the land without white man.
Ghost Dances
Concieved by Wovoka, these dances and rites were supposed to remove the white man and make all like it was.
Wounded Knee Massacre
The final stand of Indians against the Seventh Cavalry. Killed two hundred men, women, and children.
The movement to try to integrate Indians into White Society.
Court of Indian Offenses
Created by Congress in 1882, this court aimed to try Native Americans for breaking government rules.
Dawes Severalty Act
Act passed in 1887 which aimed at ending tribal life by dividing up land to members of the tribe. Excess land was given to Indian schools. It also granted citizenship to "Civilized" Indians.
Extermination of the Buffalo
The final blow to tribal life, this was when people killed buffalo trying to kill the Indians.
Buffalo Bill Cody
The founder of the Wild West show and professional buffalo hunter. He showed people the "Real West" in his shows.
Gold rush of 1849
The first gold rush in California that the first movement west was aimed towards.
Overland trail
A popular trail in the movement west. Taken by foot, on horses, wagons, or even caravans.
Homestead act of 1862
an act that aimed to cultivate the great plains by giving 160 acres to anyone who would pay the ten dollar registration fee and pledge to live on it for five years.
Timber Culture act of 1873
A supplement to the Homestead act that attempted to adjust the west by having people plant trees for an additional 160 acres of land.
Timber and Stone act of 1878
Applied only to un-cultivatable lands. Gave land to anyone in California, nevada, Oregon, or Washington to buy land for $2.50 an acre.
National Reclamation act
Set aside most of the proceeds from the sale of lands in some western states to finance irrigation in the states that needed it.
"Hydraulic" society
A society in the west that was rich in crops and cities, but the society was ever more reliant on the water they had little of.
Romauldo Pacheco
Served as governer in California in 1875, then moved on to congress.
Las Gorras Blancas
translated "The White Caps." A secret organization of spanish Americans who attacked te movement of Anglo ranchers into the Las Vegas community land grant.
"Instant Cities"
Cities that grew based on the wealth to be gained in the region at the time. They grew very quickly.
Placer Mining
A method of mining used that required no experience or fancy equipment, just a claim, a shovel, and a washing pan.
Comstock Lode
Another striking of gold found around Pike's Peak.
Chinese Exclusion act
Stopped chinese immigration to the Unites States for Ten years.
Foreign miners tax
charged twenty dollars licensing fee to any foreign miner.
Spanish-American cowboy counterparts who developed many of the techniques used by the American cowboys.
Wyoming Stock Growers association
an association of cattle ranchers which was the largest of them all. It enforced ranching rules and regulations. it stretched from Wyoming into Colerado, Nebraska, Montana, and North and South Dakota.
African Americans who tired of often violent racism in the south and migrated to the West to try their hands at farming there.
Dry Farming
A technique developed by western farmers to compensate for the arid or semiarid conditions of the West. They involved using methods to slow evaporation and importing more hardy crops.
National Grange
Founded by Oliver H. Kelley, this was an organization that provided activities to all its members with no politics allowed. Of course, it became a political force anyway.
Bonanza Farms
The farms that rose due to increased potential because of new technology and methods. Often financed by outside capital. These farms were often huge and amassed huge amounts of income.
Turner's Thesis
developed by Fredrick Jackson Turner. States that the development of the West helped to raise independence, individuality, and self-confidence and fostered imagination and adaptation.