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95 Cards in this Set

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The only fluid tissue in the human body. Contains living cells and fluid.


Carry blood away from the heart


A_____________ branch until they become microscopic c____________.


Carbon dioxide and wastes can pass into c__________ by d__________. N___________ diffuse out of c_____________ into body tissues

capillaries; diffusion. Nutrietns; capillaries

C____________ lead to v___________


Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart


After veins carry deoxygenated blood back to heart, it is pumped to the l__________ where it picks up oxygen. The oxygenated blood is then returned to the heart for d_________ to the body


Blood is classified as being a type of c________ t_________ since blood contains ____ elements of c__________ t_________

connective tissue; 3; connective tissue

3 elements of connective tissue:

Cells, Matrix, Fibers

The liquid portion of blood


Mostly protein fibers such as fibrin. These provide support to blood.


Also play a role in blood clotting


Blood's color dpeends on the amount of o_________ it is carrying. Scarlet r____ blood is oxygen r_______. Dark r____ blood is l____ in oxygen.






Blood has a greater d______ than water. In other words, blood is more v_________ than water.


Blood viscosity is established by e__________


Blood is slightly a_________, with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45.


Blood maintains a temperature around _______ degree F (_____ degrees C). This is slightly higher than normal body temperature


Blood makes up about ____ % of total body weight.


Average blood volume is ___-____L in males and _____-_____L in females

5-6; 4-5

Functions of blood:
C_______ o______ from the lungs to body tissues.

D_______ n_________ and w______ to body tissues.

T___________ metabolic w______ from body tissues to sites of elimination

Carrying oxygen

Delivering nutrients

Transporting wastes

Blood caries C_________ to the l___________ and n________ wastes to the k_______.

CO2, lungs, nitrogen, kidney

Regulatory functions of blood include:

Maintaining normal body t__________

Maintaining normal p_____ in body tissues

Maintaining normal f________ v_________ in the circulatory system



fluid volume

Blood maintains normal body temperature by a_________ and d___________ heat throughout the body and to the s________ where heat loss can occur

absorbing; distributing


Maintaining normal pH in body tissues by having blood p________ and s_____ act as b_________. These b________ p_______ sudden pH changes.

proteins; solutes; buffers

buffers, prevent

Blood provides protection by p________ b______ loss with p_______ and blood p________ aid in c_____ formation which stops blood loss.

preventing blood; platelets;proteins;clot

Blood also provides protection by f________ and p________ infection with a_________ and l__________ are involved in fighting and preventing infection.

fighting; preventing; antibodies; leukocytes

2 Primary components of blood


Formed Elements

The liquid matrix of blood


Part of the blood comprised of blood cells and cell fragments. These are suspended in plasma

Formed elements

Formed Elements in Human Blood




Formed Element comprised of red blood cells


Formed Element comprised of white blood cells


Formed Element comprised of Thrombocytes


The most commonly examined tissue in the body. Used to determine what illness a patient has.


In a lab, blood is spun in a centrifuge. This pushes the h________ formed elements to the b_________ of the tube and the l_______ d_______ p__________ remains at the t_____.

heavier; bottom; less dense plasma; top

E__________ settle at the bottom of the tube; thus producing a r______ mass at the b_____ of the tube.

Erythrocytes; red; base

H____________-the percentage of erythrocytes to total blood volume


B_______ C_______- a thin white layer at the top of the erythrocyte layer.

Buffy Coat

Erythrocyte layer containing leukocytes and platelets

Buffy Coat

P___________-sits above the buffy coat and it makes up about 55% of blood volume


The straw-colored, sticky, liquid portion of blood


Plasma is composed of w_______, p_______ p_________, n____-p__________ n__________ substances, n__________, e__________, r__________ g_______.

water, plasma proteins, non-protein nitrogenous, nutrients, electrolytes, respiratory gases

Accounts for over 90% of total plasma volume. Serves as a dissolving and suspending medium for blood solutes. Also is involved in absorbing heat and heat transfers.


P_________ P__________ account for 8% of total plasma volume.

Plasma Proteins

A_____________ is a plasma protein that is produced by the human liver and accounts for 60% of plasma proteins


Functions of A_________ include:

C________ some m_________ through the body

Acting as a blood b______

Creating o__________ p__________, which acts to maintain water balance between blood and tissues


Carrying; molecules

osmotic pressure

G____________ are a type of plasma protein that accounts for 36% of plasma proteins


A________, B______ Globulins are produced by the liver. These are t__________ proteins that attach to and transport l_________, metal ions and fat-soluble vitamins

Alpha, Beta; transport; lipids

G___________ Globulins- a__________ released primarily by plasma cells during an immune response

Gamma; antibodies

C__________ Proteins are a Type of Globulins that make up 4% of plasma proteins.


Clotting proteins include f_________ and p________ which are involved in blood clotting. Both of these proteins are produced in the l_________.

Fibrinogen; prothrombin

F______________-type of plasma protein which helps to form the threads of blood clots to prevent blood loss


Types of globulins are A________, B_________, G_____ Globulins and c__________ proteins

alpha, beta, gamma, clotting

Types of plasma protein

A___________, G___________, F__________, M_________ enzymes, and a_________ proteins

Albumin, Globulins, Fibrinogen, Metabolic enzymes, antibacterial

N____-p_________ n___________ substances are part of plasma that includes by-products of cellular metabolism such as lactic aid, urea, uric acid, creatinine and ammonium salts

Non-protein nitrogenous

N_______________ part of blood plasma that includes materials absorbed in the digestive tract. Some of these materials include glucose and other simple sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamins


E_____________ are part of blood plasma that includes ions such as potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphate.


B_______________ is a type of electrolyte that is a major buffer.


Many electrolytes help maintain proper blood o________ p_______.

osmotic pressure

R___________ g______ are part of the plasma that includes oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Respiratory gases

Most oxygen is bound to h___________ in erythrocytes. Some oxygen is dissolved in plasma


Carbon dioxide is transported attached to h_______ in erythrocytes and as b___________ dissolved in plasma

hemoglobin; bicarbonate

F___________ e________- cells and cell fragments in blood

Formed elements

3 formed elements in human blood are:







Red Blood Cells are also known as


E___________ are small (7.5 micrometers in diameter), biconcave d______ with d________ centers

Erythrocytes; discs; depressed

E___________ are bound by a t_______ cellular m__________. They l_____ a n_______ and they do not contain cellular organelles.

Erythrocytes; true; membrane

lack; nucleus

Erythrocytes generate their energy via a________ methods, therefore, they d____ n_______ contain m_____________. Due to this, erythrocytes do not use the o________ they carry.

anabolic; do not; mitochondria


Erythrocytes contribute greatly to blood v________


An i___________ in erythrocyte number i__________ blood viscosity; thus blood flow s_______. The opposite is true as well

increase; increase; slows

Erythrocytes transport o___________ and c________ d_______ through the body. Much of the o_________ is carried by h__________ which is stored in erythrocytes

oxygen; carbon dioxide

oxygen; hemoglobin

H_____________ transports most of the oxygen through the body. It can also carry carbon dioxide. Also responsible for red blood pigment


Hemoglobin is comprised of g_______ and h_________

globin; hemoglobin

A complex protein with 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains


A ring shaped structure that binds tot he globin molecule


There are _____ heme groups in every hemoglobin molecule. Each of the heme groups contains an i______ atom.

4; iron

I_________ easily combines with o_________. Therefore, each h__________ molecule can transport _____ o________ molecules.

Iron; oxygen; hemoglobin; 4 oxygen

H____________ picks up oxygen in the l_________. The oxygen is then transported to body t________ where it is released for use by t_______ cells

Hemoglobin; lungs

tissue; tissue

When oxygen binds to iron, the hemoglobin is known as o_____________. The oxygen changes the shape of the hemoglobin which now becomes b_______ r_______.


bright red

When oxygen released from iron, hemoglobin returns to its original shape. At this point, the hemoglobin is known as d____________________ and it becomes d______ r_______ in color.

deoxyhemoglobin; dark red

About _____% of the carbon dioxide transported in blood combines with hemoglobin. Carbon dioxide attached to the globin portion of hemoglobin to form c____________________ which is a d_____ r_____ color.


carbaminohemoglobin; dark red

Carbon dioxide uptake occurs in b_______ t_______. The carbon dioxide is carried to the l________ where it is eliminated from the body.

body tissues; lungs

Erythrocyte Production

Hemopoiesis/Hematopoiesis-b______ c______ formation. Occurs in r______ b_____ m_______

blood cell

red bone marrow

Erythropoiesis=r_______ blood cell f_________. Erythrocytes _______ divide.

red; formation. Can't

H___________ (Hematopoietic Stem Cells)- located in r_____ b______ m______. These m________ into a______ types of blood cells.

Hemocytoblasts; red bone marrow

mature; all

Once Hemocytoblasts start developing into a particular type of blood cell, they c_______ stop.


H_______________ develop into m____________ stem cells which are then transformed into p_____________. The p_____________ then develop into e____________.

Hemocytoblasts; myeloid

proerythroblasts; proerythroblasts


E______________ produce huge numbers of r___________ which are involved in p___________ production.

Erythroblasts; ribosomes; protein

Hemoglobin formation and iron accumulation also occurs in the e______________.


Next, the e___________ develops into a n__________. A n_________ begins to turn p____-r____ in color as more h_________ is produced.

erythroblasts; normoblasts

normoblasts; pink-red; hemoglobin

A normoblast also loses all cellular o__________. It begins to assume the typical biconcave shape.


Normoblasts develop into r____________ which are essentially young e____________. R_____________ enter the bloodstream to begin transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. Reticulocytes become mature erythrocytes within about t_______ days.

reticulocytes; erythrocytes



Reticulocytes account for ____-_____% of all erythrocytes in a healthy human.


R____________ c________ are used clinically as an index of the rate of e___________ formation.

Reticulocytes counts; erythrocyte

The body must maintain a constant number of erythrocytes. Too f________ erythrocytes can lead to h______ ( o_______ d____________) and too many erythrocytes increased blood v________.

Erythrocytes; hypoxia; oxygen deprivation
