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12 Cards in this Set

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Genus is what kind of word? How do you write it?
1)is a noun 2)capitalize the first letter
species is what kind of word? Do you capatalize the first letter of species? 3)what do you do to the whole Genus species?
1)adjective 2)no 3)underline it after capatalizing the first letter
what is classification?
organizing species into groups of similar traits based on evolutionary relationships
groups are called what?
what is the classification groups in order from largest to smallest? and what is an acronym to help remember
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species. Dear King Phillip Came Over From Great Spain.
what does the name "Protozoa" mean? Autotroph or heterotroph? Where do protozoa live?
1)first animal 2)Heterotroph 3)live in moist acquatic environments such as damp soil, fresh water, and marine water
**Flagallates** 1)how do flagellates move? 2)what is an example of a flagellate? 3)how is it transmitted? 4)what are some signs? 5)how do you prevent transmission?
1)by one or more flagella 2)Giardia Lamblia causing beaver fever or giardiasis 3)from fecal to oral 4)diarreah with big goblets 5)wash hands and filter water
**apicomplexans** 1)are all what? 2)an example of an apicomplexan? 3)how are they spread? 4)what are some signs? 5)how do you diagnose? 6)how do you prevent transmission? 7)what is the problem in soldiers with apicomplexans?
parasitic 2)Plasmodium that causes Malaria 3)mosquitos and parasites penetrating red blood cells-the parasite multiplies in red blood cells 4)fever and chils 5)look at blood sample through microscope 6)avoid mosquitos, spray yourself with deet and remove standing water 7)ones going where malaria is present have to take anti-malerial drugs
**Slime Molds** 1)what is unique about slime molds? 2)Where are they found? 3)how do slime molds behave? 4)what happens when food is in short supply?
1)they have both unicellular and multicellular life stages 2)on decaying organic matter 3)usually solitary creeping around and eating bacteria 4)colony of cells form and develop reproductive structure
**Diatoms** 1)what is their glassy cell wall made of? 2)why are they important to marine animals? 3)what are they used as? 4)are used in what daily product that we use every day?
1)silica 2)are an important food source 3)diatomaceous earth to filter 4)in toothpaste
**Volvox** 1)what color algae is it known as? 2)what is it? 3)what is inside a volvox?
1)green algae 2)a hollow ball composed of colony of cells with flagella 3)daughter colonies used for reproduction
**seaweed** 1)is seaweed unicellular or multicellular algae? 2)what are they? 3)what is an example? 4)what are they used as? 5)what are the parts of a kelp?
1)multicellular 2)marine algae that have large multicellular body 3)kelp 4)feeding grounds 5)stipe leaves and air bladder