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42 Cards in this Set

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***Define family and household

Family- 2 or more people living in the same household

Household- People who occupy the same housing unit

Define polygyny and polyandry

Polyandry- One woman, many husbands

Polygyny- One man, many wives

Define nuclear family and extended family. What kind of society are we moving into?

Nuclear-Small… consist of mother, father and children

Extended- Two or more nuclear families living together. Mother, father, children and grandmother, grandfather. (farm family)- children workers.

Moving from an agriculture society to an industrial society caused family to become dependent on outsiders… particularly for education of children.. for food, clothes… everything. We are becoming less independent and more dependent.

Define family of orientation and family of procreation

Family of orientation- The family in which a person grows up (kid growing up in family)

Family of procreation- The family formed when a couple's first child is born (parent growing up a kid in family)

Define marriage

A group's approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort

Define endogamy and exogamy

Endogamy-We are typically this type of society. Marrying a person with similar attributes-in-group marriage. We are oneness. Marrying people similar you. (ethnicity and religion)

Exogamy-marrying a person different from family (out of group marriages different ethnicity and relgion, sports or race)

Define incest and incest taboo. Universal?

Incest-sexual relationship with close family member. Father does with daughter usually.Usually begins when child is 8-10 yrs and last about 5 yrs when young girl reaches puberty. Incest taboo is found in all human societies.

Incest taboo- the rule that prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives

Neither are universal because not all cultures say that it's bad or good.

What is meant by system of descent? Define patrilineal and matrilineal system of descents?

How kinship (blood relationship) is traced over generations.

Patrilineal - A system of reckoning descent that counts only the fathers side. (US are typically this bc we look who father is)

Matrilineal- A system of reckoning descent that counts only the mother's side

Define patriarchy, matriarchy, and egalitarian

Patriarchy- A group in which men-as-a-group dominate women-as-a-group; authority is vested in males. Father rules

Matriarchy- A society in which women-as-a-group dominate men-as-a-group; authority is vested in females. Mother rules

Egalitarian- Authority more or less equally divided between individuals or groups (in heterosexual marriage, for example, btw husband and wife)

What does the functionalist state about the universality of family? What are the function of the family, according to the functionalist?

Family and marriage varies from one group to another but the family is universal and the reason for this is, functionalist say, because the family fulfills six needs that are basic to the survival of every society. These needs or functions are -Economic production -socialization of children -care of the sick and aged -recreation -sexual control -reproduction.

To make certain these functions are performed, every human group has adopted some form of family.

What is incest taboo? And how does the functionalist explain incest taboo?

The rule that prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives.

Functionalist note that the incest taboo helps families to avoid role confusion. This in turn, facilitates the socialization of children. IT also forces people to look outside the family for marriage partners. (If incest taboo understands who's who)

What does the functionalist state about isolation and emotional overload?

The relative isolation of today's nuclear family creates one of those dysfunctions. Because they are embedded in a larger kinship network, the members of extended families can count on many people for material and emotional support. In nuclear families , in contrast, the stresses that come with crises -the loss of a job, death , or even family quarrels are spread young fewer people. This places great strain on each family member creating emotional overload.

(Stress causes strain)

True or false: most men resist doing housework

True- Most men don't want to do it.

what is the "second shift"?

Man and women get married and both have jobs then they come home to their second job running the household. Both take on both task .

When a husband loses his job, what happens to his involvement in housework? What amount of housework do husbands do that earn less than their wives?

Doesn't change- the wife still does house work generally. 75-85%

Define romantic love. Is it universal? What are its two components?

Feeling of erotic attraction accompanied by an idealization of the other. Not universal, someplace don't have romantic love.

-Emotional: A feeling of sexual attraction

-Cognitive: A label we attach to our feelings. If we attach this label we describe our selves as being in love.

Does fear breed love?

No it doesn't. -Does fear make you love them. Does a fear of spiders make you love the,

"Marriage practices match societal values." Explain.

What ever are society says is the way we tend to be. EX: Say women do cooking and cleaning then young girl think she should be that way. What society sees do think thats the way it should be.

Define propinquity. How does it affect "falling in love"?

Propinquity= Closeness in space and time. LOCATION=space

We don't get to meet other people because we are not close by in location them. You don't have the opportunity to meet knew, you are restricted.

Who takes care of preschool children while their mothers work?


Explain birth order. Is this always true?

The first child has most difficult time because has to discover for themselves but get some direction from their parents, then second child gets less attention/direction accept by sibiling . Third child even less attention but has two siblings who would help them if they would. Have more and more kids more strain on parents... yes this is always true.

What happens to marital satisfaction (happiness) with the birth of the first child?

It decreases bc more of time spent on kid rather then self or spouse

What does Rubin state about the "empty nest" syndrome?

Empty nest syndrome- children leave home

Rubin "some women suffer depression while others are happy". Such as parent has career can focus on that.

Is there an "American family"? Explain your answer.

NO. We thought mother, father, children- (nuclear family) would be traditional family but there really is no traditional family

Explain "marriage squeeze"

The sacrifices that people make to have a good family. (rather then buying a sports car buy a van so children can get to school) Give up things for children .

Explain what is happening to "machismo" in latino families. Why?

Latino use to be macho and more and more hispanic/lations men are becoming less macho. (Macho/machismo)- Superior to others, above

What are confucian values? What methods of Asian-American families use to control their children?

Should be kind to others within the family. They don't want to shame each other, they want tohave respect. Worst thing you can do in asian-american families is bring shame.

What is the primary source of strain in the single-parent family?

Money- less income because coming from just one person

How does a female's level of education affect the desire to have children?

Decreases it. (About having a career so how going to have a career and take care of children)

Explain "DIWKS"

Duel incomes no kids.(Man and women bringing in an income) "you can have kids or everything else"

How are the relationships between gay and lesbian marriages similar to heterosexual relationships, and how are they different? What is the difference between "civil union" and "marriage? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of gay and lesbian couples being "legally united."

Gay (man-and man) lesbian (women and women). Lesbians tend to have a happy and stable relationships while gays have multiple partners and stray from relationships (cheating).

Civil Union- Coming together of two people living in a married like arrangement. Legal recognition that your living together. (this is for same sex people) Living together but not married.

want to be married incase something were to happen so spouse take over

Marriage- legal to be married but use to not be allowed to

What is happening to age at first marriage?

Age is going up so more people are becoming older having babies.

Discuss cohabitation. Is this a good thing? What's missing? What fraction of american women have had cohabition in their lives and at what age?

What does research show about cohabitation?

Unmarried couples living together in a sexual relationship. Living in a marriage-like arrangement having sex without legal responsibilities and obligation of formal marriage.Never.Commitment .

Only 1/3rd of american women age 15-44 reported they had cohabited some time in their lives thus 2/3rds have not cohabited

Research shows that couples who live together before they marry have a significantly higher divorce rate than couples who do not live together before they marry.

Deine sandwich generation.

Todays baby boomers taking care of current generation. People who find themselves overwhelmed with having to take care of children and elderly parents maybe even grand parents, find them self pulled in two different directions. Usually ages 40-55yrs- Baby boomers generation

Discuss the impact of divorce on children.

Children whose parents divorce are more likely then children brought up by both patents to experience emotional problems both during childhood and after they grow up. Also they are more likely to become juvenile delinquents and less likely to complete high school, to attend , or graduate from college. Also they are more likely to divorce themselves.

What is the major cause of problems in step-families? Define step-family.

Step-Family= Mother and stepfather or father and stepmother, stepchildren. Same mom or dad.

Complexity of relationships, too many people. Spend money on your children other children get upset.

According to the author, what causes violence toward women?

Big brute of a man (man beating women)

Which spouse is most likely to batter(beat) the other, according to your author?

Man because most men are bigger and stronger then their wives putting women at a physical disadvantage

Who are the most common incest offenders?

Father, stepfather and older brother.

Incest- Having sexual relationships with a close member of a family.

Incest taboo- Not primitive (allowed) in any society but it does happen.

According to your author, is the family going to decline in importance?

No. Production of family will always be with us, people will get married and have children

What are future trends for the american family?

Some are choosing to get married while other are choosing to not have children and get married. Some are choosing to marry and have a few children. WE ARE THE FUTURE

What are the most highly predictable social channels of marriage?

age, education, social class, race-ethnicity